Transfer Students, Genji Ito and Ryuko Matoi!

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"Hey, Momma!" The voice of a young boy shouted as he ran down the stairs, bee-lining straight for the kitchen.

"What did I say about running down in the house?" The child's mother chided lightly, causing the boy to frown a bit.

"Sorry, Momma.."

The woman gave her son a warm smile, before she knelt down in front him and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, followed by a pat on the head.

"It's okay. Just remember next time, I don't want you to slip and end up hurting yourself, 'kay?"

"'Kay!" The boy smiled brightly, as his mother reciprocated the same expression.

"I love you, Genji."

A young man opened his eyes, staring out the window of the moving train. He exhaled softly at the memory, but didn't pay it much mind.

The young man in question had spiky black hair with a small streak of white in it, along with a gravity defying cowlick sprouting on the top of his head, sharp, but somewhat round eyes with bright emerald-green irises, and light tan skin.

He wore a standard, unzipped, black student blazer with white piping, with a slate blue hoodie worn underneath, navy jeans with some tears at the knees, and black and white sneakers.

Resting on his lap was an unidentified object wrapped in a silky dark red piece of material, that concealed whatever was in it nicely, which served that exact purpose.

"Almost here... Honnō City. Then I'll get the answers I need..." The young man stared at his palm and curled it up into a fist. "Can't say I'm not pumped!"



Genji blinked and looked up and locked eyes with a girl around his age, with a laid back look on her face

"Don't mean to interrupt your little monologue... But mind if I sit here?" She asked, before looking over her shoulder with a grimace. "The other seat doesn't seem very... Sanitary."

Genji leaned forward a bit and looked over the girl's shoulder to see a snoring, greasy looking man that was definitely overweight... With a not-so enticing odor.

Genji snorted lightly, and nodded, "Sure, I'm not stopping you."

"Thanks." The girl nodded in thanks, before plopping down in the seat next him with a THUD!

Taking in her appearance, the girl next to him was certainly attractive, though Genji definitely wouldn't say that out loud.

She had smoothed out, medium-length messy black hair, with a noticeable red streak running through it, and fair peach skin, with a modestly sized bust, though he made sure not to stare too much - even if it was eye catching - She had slate-grey eyes with hints of blue in it, and oddly enough, pupils in the shapes of... Gears...? It was surely odd, but he wasn't going to comment on it.

The girl wore a simple white shirt with a red ribbon tie, and black mini-skirt, white sneakers, and a black and white biker jacket with the sleeves rolled up.

Long story short... This girl just SCREAMED, delinquent.

Genji wasn't going to make assumptions, but he thought he knew how to read people well, and she definitely seemed like the tomboyish delinquent type of girl, with how she looked, and how she presented herself...

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