Chapter 7

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I was getting ready for school when I turned around and i saw a group of people in black hoodie .
" Who are you" i said slowly
" We are the vampire government " a woman said
" Why are you here ? "
" We are here because we want to tell you that a human spotted you a your group of delinquents running , we don't enjoy killing people for no reason , this is your warning , if it happens again we will be forced to turn you into ashes . " the lady said calmly .
They disappeared and i human walked to school with my anti sun armor aka my jacket . i got inside and i smelt dog and i saw angel .
" Hey " angel said
" Why are you talking to me "
" I wanted to thank you for killing our enemies "
" I don't recall "
" You were in the woods and you killed wolfs "
" Those were actually people in wolf form? "
" Um yeah "
" Oh my god "
" Anyway , my tribe ows you respect and loyalty "
" No problem , my tribe will give you our respect a loyalty "
" What tribe "
" I mafe up a tribe of vampires "
" Cool , I guess " angel awkwardly walked away as i stood there shocked .
Amanda walked by .
" Hey , amanda "
" Hi "
" I need you to come and meet me in the bathroom , ill signal the others , we need to talk , its urgent "
She ran to the bathroom and i signaled the others with my mind , leader vampires have that abilities . i i ran to the bathroom .
" Whats up " trev asked
" Two things , we can run in public , the government visited me today , the person saw us and the had to kill that human ."
" Ok , what else " asked jason
" The wolves we kill last night were actually werewolves , on the bright side we gain trust by another wolf tribe , angel's , all im say is we need to be cautious while killing and our abilities "
" Yes ma'am "
We walked out of the bathroom and went to class.
Three days later
" Hey , have you seen amanda? " Jepp said through the phone .
" Nope , what do you think happend "
" I don't know , she was fine two days ago "
" Why do i send out my signal and call her back "
I sent out a signal to her but it didn't reached her . i relized something was wrong . i pick up the phone again .
" We need to go to the vampire government "
" Why ? "
" I can't reach her "
" Oh my god "
" I'll call the others and tonight we are going to run in the woods to romaina "
I call the others .
That night we met in the woods .
We drank some blood to gain energy and we started to run .
3 hours later
We stood infront of a tall dark building and we walked inside .
" Hello , may i help you " the receptionist asked
" We came to meet with the government " i said bravely
"Do you have an oppointment ? "
" No " I continued walking and stopped and a tall matte black door and opened it .
" Hey! " I yelled as the government sat calmly .
" Do you have an oppointment? "
" Fuck you and your oppointment , we need to find amanda "
" That little leach " the lady let out a big laugh " we killed her , she exposed her self to a human "
" You are going to wish you didn't do that " I said angry
" Your not going to do anything , honey "
" You'll see , we have others on our side , what do you have "
" Power "
I walked away but jason grabbed my hand and walked forward
" Power doesn't do anything " he spit on the floor and we all left .

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