Standing up

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Ariella POV

After hearing Sapphire's CRAZY idea, I had to consider my options. Whether I get help and lose my dad or I keep it inside and I keep getting beaten by dad. At least I was going to be offered a home if I got help.

Sapphire POV

Walking home I rushed into seeing my parents drinking coffee.

"Sapphire? Where were you it's 5:00!" Mom asked, surprised to see me late.

"Sorry mom I was hanging out with my new friend." I assured her.

"New friend? What's her name? How do you know her?" Dad asked me intently.

"Dad she's from special needs class. Her name is Ariella. She's blind, and has a dog named Hope." I explained.

"Wow she sounds wonderful, would you like her to come over soon?" Mom asked sweetly.

"Here's the thing I know I'm not supposed to tell you yet but, Ariella is abused at home by her dad." I explained quietly.

"What? A blind innocent girl? Abused? We need to go talk to her father!" Mom and dad yelled starting toward the door.

"No! You can't!" I jumped in front of them.

"Why not?" They said pushing me out of the way.

"If you tell her dad I told you she'll get even more hurt then she already is!" I pushed them back.

"Wow, I guess we wait?" Mom asked sitting back down.

"That's the thing mom we're going to get help from the school. When we get help would you be willing to adopt her?" I asked sitting in my chair.

"We have always wanted more children, being now barren we can't have any more. Not that we're not blessed by you already. But yes we would be willing. When can we meet her? Mom asked staring into my eyes.

"Tomorrow. I'll bring her with Hope. Thank you guys so much! Oh and another thing. You can't tell her that I told you about her life okay?" I asked starting towards my room.

"Alright. Goodnight Sapphire." They both kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"Goodnight." I said walking to my room. I laid down and closed my eyes dreaming about Ariella being my sister.

Ariella POV

Coming in the house I tried not to disturb dad. I accidentally stepped on a squeaky board. Curse the hardwood floor, my father jerked away astonished at the scene.

"Ariella! Why weren't you here earlier! You missed your rations!" My father spat at me.

"What rations? You only give me I scoop of nothing!" Realizing what I just said, I had made a mistake now the beating.

"You dare say that to me! I give you food, shelter, clothes, a DOG! All you do to repay me is have an attitude?" He slapped me on the cheek, landing on the ground I felt the tears begin to build.

"Well at least I don't hit my ONE and ONLY DAUGHTER! What would mom say right now? She'd be ashamed of marrying you!" I spat at him regretting every word.

"How dare you! Don't you EVER speak about her like that! You know what? I'm done! Get out of my house!" He then pushed me to the ground and started kicking my stomach, agony filled my body. He kicked me in the spot in my abdomen. I screamed so loud the dead could wake. He stopped and held his hand to my mouth.

"Shut up! You'll wake the neighborhood!" He slapped me again, then punched me again on the face.

"Why do you care? Your just trying to protect your reputation! You just don't want to go to jail! I'll scream to the rooftops if it means I'll get help!" I screamed again, this time he raced into the kitchen opening a drawer. He stormed over to me and was an inch to my face.

"Say something again. I DARE YOU!" He spat in my face. I didn't know what to say if I said another thing I would surely die. But I didn't care if it meant my freedom so be it.

"Your a coward." I whispered then the pain came. He stabbed me in the stomach, I screamed and he carried me out into the street. Throwing me out into the sidewalk, he ran away leaving me bleeding all over the place. I could feel my eyes grow heavy from blood loss. The last thing I saw was a slim figure run towards me.

"Help." I whispered then I closed my eyes.

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