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Umurku tidak seperti siblings yang lain.means diorang dah kerja,dah berkahwin,stay jauh,and others..

Bila dah kerja mestilah boleh kan belanja mak ayah,bawak jalan-kalan semua tu(I guess it was true actually).

So,sometimes I think that why I am still studying,still being a teenager,why for this time,when my parents already old,means that they really need children's need.I can't be the one.

But,someday,somewhere something was come in my mind..Actually,all this happens for a reason.Nothing can happens workout permission from Ilahi..

So,I think maybe my age is my advantages.It is because with my age,still being teenager,I can stay with my parents,know what actually they what from their children's ..Not money actually,(but if you are a responsible son,you will give it even they do not ask for that)

So,what actually they want?They just want you guys Untuk setiap bulan/minggu,depends when you guys free,Untuk balik jenguk diorang.Apatah lagi anak perempuan.Evem kau dh kahwin,tapi takkanlah nak balik jenguk ayah kau pun laki kau tak bagi,takkan kau sendiri taknak balik jumpa org tua yang selama ni bersusah payah besarkan kau,tak pernah sedikit pun berkira dgn kau,yang menitiskan air mata bila kau dh tak dibawah tanggung jawab dia.

That'it.Enough for them..

I'm begging you guys to always appreciate them,give the best for them

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