Chapter 1

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Edward POV

A smile, a laugh. The familiar warmth of a place I recognized. Faces with no features, but I knew who they were supposed to be. I should have known it was a dream before I opened my eyes and realized where I was, but I didn't. The world I was in now felt more like the dream to me. It seemed hazy and foggy as if it wasn't even real at all.

This had become my life now.

The feeling of disappointment filled my chest as I sat up in bed for what seemed like the hundredth time that night and stared out the window at the stars that were not my own. I didn't belong there. Though I suppose that world was all right in it's own way.

Laying back down in resignation, I allowed myself to pass out for a few more hours. Maybe his body would let me rest at least until the sun came back up.

"Edward! Today's the day!" Alfons knocked excitedly at my door after what seemed like only five minutes after I had laid my head back down on the pillow.

How could I have forgotten?

"Make sure you're there! You can't miss it!" Alfons' happy voice faded as he descended down the stairs.

His rocket was launching today, of course. Alfons Heiderich had become my rock in this foreign world.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Alfons." I said to myself as I pulled myself out of bed and began fitting my prosthetic limbs in place for the day. They weren't as durable or responsive as my automail had been, but they would do.

I had been so enthusiastic about this before. I had even studied rocketry with Alfons until we came to Munich. This was the science of this world, and as interesting as it was, it just wasn't me. I couldn't forget about alchemy, and it didn't matter how many stories I told Alfons about my world, he still didn't believe me. I was beginning to think he thought I was crazy and delusional.

Well, maybe I am.

Tying my hair into a simple tail, I change into clothing drab and dull. It was the way of this world. Nothing flashy, nothing extravagant. Not here. Germany was a strange place full of politics and overbearing law, and there was no shortage of racism. I suppose I was lucky that I was fair-haired and skinned when I got dropped off into this place. I fit in more-or-less, but everyone could always sense something different about me.

It didn't help when everyone I met looked exactly like someone I knew in my world. The stare of disbelief mixed with wonder and confusion I must have had on my face as I talked to each one the first time surely gave away my insanity.

Even Alfons looks exactly like I would have imagined my brother to look if he were a few years older. I suppose it's one of the reasons we had grown so close. You could say he had become my 'replacement' for Al, but that's not something I shared with him openly, especially not since we had become lovers. I didn't expect it to happen, but one night it just... did. We were sitting together, my hand on his leg. I had gotten used to doing that as we got closer, it was a friendly gesture; a way to show him I loved him. He was my rock after all. He still is.

I guess he took it as something else, and he kissed me. He initiated it, and I was startled at first, but found myself kissing back. It was so natural. That's how it started almost a year ago, and we've been hiding it ever since. Homosexuality is a punishable offense in Munich, so we are very careful. As far as anyone else is concerned, we are just good friends who are room mates for the convenience of sharing the rent cost.

I made my way downstairs after my morning ritual to find Alfons scarfing down some toast and a glass of orange juice. He really seemed enthused, and was definitely in a hurry.

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