Chapter 6

557 15 1

2 months later

Autumn pov

I saw a bright light and it was getting light until everything went black. I was in my body. I wanted to move and say something but I couldn't .

I was trying my hardest until my eyes shot open I was sitting there and my brother saw me and flipped out. hugged me and his eyes were red an puffy.

"Omg omg I can't believe your awake" cameron said. I said "you sound like a girl just got her star bucks took away". "Haha very funny"cam said.

Then the doctor and took me right away. "What are you doing you are freaking me out"I said. He didn't reply and before I new it I was out like a light.

Cameron's little sister  (Hayes grier fan fiction )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt