meeting them

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So I woke up and just went to the shower. I took a really warm and quick shower. I got out and blow dried my hair. Also then I changed into:

-floral crop top

-black high waisted shorts

-white converse

Then I curled my hair and then took a strand and pinned it with a bow clip. I brushed my teeth grabbed my bag and started to w*alk downstairs and that's when I heard laughing.

So I sneaked downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I was in there when I heard walking to the kitchen I was going to hide but them I got snapped out of my thoughts by a boy say "cameron there is a crazy fan in your kitchen".

I just said "I am not a fan I am his sister Autumn". Everybody looked shocked but cameron. He walked over to me and yelled at me saying " WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT AND WHY ARE YOU DOWN HERE" . Then he slapped me I just ran to my room and cryed. I also locked the door.

Everybody was trying to get in and that's when I just went out grabbed my bag and penny board. Cameron grabbed my wrist but I slapped him and said " how does that feel the pain to to have someone you love crush you".

I just ran out the door and cryed my way to school I stopped crying and went to my locker got my stuff and went to my first class.

(End of school)

I walked home with Emma and Ariel. They new that I was sad but they didn't ask me why. They could tell because when I am sad my eyes turn blue and when I am mad my eyes turn gray but they are usually green.

We just went to Starbucks and got Fraps. I got double chocolate chip frap with 2 pumps of pepirment and they got the same ting to. We walked home and went inside. When we walked in all eyes were on us.

I felt weird because I kinda had bold shot eyes. Cameron came running up to me but Emma yelled at him saying "THIS MORNING YOU SLAPPED HER AND YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST HUG HER YOU CAN'T".

Then me and Ariel went upstairs because Emma was yelling her but off at cameron but it was kinda funny.

Hayes pov

Me and all the guys were just laughing having fun making vines. Then we got hungry so we went to the kitchen. When we went in there I say this really pretty girl sitting there in her thoughts. Then Jack Johnson said "cameron there is a crazy fan in your kitchen.

Then she spoke and she said "I am not a fan I am Cameron's sister Autumn". Cameron looked furious so he went over there and yelled at her and slapped her she burst out into tears and ran. We all ran after her she would not come out.

Finally she came out and ignored us all. She grad her bag and penny board. She was about to leave but that is when cameron grabbed her wrist. Then she reacted fast and slapped his hand and said "how does it feel the pain to have someone you love crush you ".

I just sat there and thought man I am in love with this girl but what if she doesn't love me back?

Autumn's pov

Ariel just said "let's go to to the beach to get your mind off things". I just noded my head. I got dressed into a mint green 2 piece. And we went to the beach.

Cameron's little sister  (Hayes grier fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now