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I wake up the next day, I can't really tell if its morning, afternoon or evening as the curtains are pulled closed, I don't remember closing them as I like to look outside at the woods. I go to get out of bed and that is when I realise that there is an arm wrapped around my waist. I stop moving as the arm pulls me closer and holds me tighter, I turn my head just a little and see the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on. Lilith is doing something in the way of a howl, a growl and a purr, not that I knew wolves could purr, at the fact a man is holding us without our permission. I slowly and carefully turn over, trying not to wake him so I can get a better look. This guy had gorgeous black hair, a strong jaw and really kissable lips Huh? I don't know where that came from. I look back up to his eyes that are now open and get slightly lost in the beautiful green. He smiles at me and in a very husky, very sexy voice says "Good evening! How did you sleep my lady?"

A shiver runs through me at his voice and how he calls me his lady. "Hi! I slept very well thank you" I whisper, not trusting my whole voice yet.

"Thank you for saving me that night, I owe you my life!" I continue to whisper, blushing I move my eyes down.

"What's your name my lady?" he asks while tilting my face up to meet his eyes again

"Seraphina Amara Wolfe, and yours?"

"Beautiful! Dominic Issac King at your service my lady." he says with a smile,

I feel so shy and vulnerable being in his arms with him looking into my eyes the way he is, I can't tell if he can feel it too. I have never allowed someone to get this close to me, if you don't let them close both physically and emotionally then they can't take advantage and hurt you. The first and last guy I allowed to get this close tried to force me into having sex with him, I was 14. He left me with a small scar on my left hip and my right shoulder, from the silver knife he tried to use to remove my clothes. I only just got away from him. Thinking about that made me tense and then start to shake, if Dominic decided he wanted to do anything I don't know if I would be able to stop him even with Sebastian's lessons.

Dominic seems to notice the change in my body and frowns, "My lady what's wrong?"

"Please..." I can't seem to get anything else out as more panic sets in

"My lady Seraphina! I will not hurt you!" to prove his point he actually removes his arms completely.

I take this opportunity to scramble off the bed and run into the bathroom, I turn on the shower strip and get under the hot spray. As soon as I start to let the water relax me I slide down the wall and let the tears fall.


Waking up and finally seeing her beautiful blue eyes, I can't think of a better way to start the evening. I smile as I realise she is looking me over and say "Good evening! How did you sleep my lady?" calling her my lady just seemed right somehow.

I feel the shiver that goes through her as she whispers "Hi! I slept very well thank you" she stops for a few seconds and then continues "Thank you for saving me that night, I owe you my life!"

I see the blush as it slowly rises on her face, she must feel it because the next thing I know is that she has lowered her eyes. I find I don't like this because she is my equal not below me and she should be able to look into my eyes and tell me anything without fear, there goes that warmth in my heart again.

I bring her eyes back to mine by using my fingers to tilt her head back up and whisper "What's your name my lady?"

"Seraphina Amara Wolfe, and yours?"

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