Part 2

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hey guys! time for part 2! enjoy!

Matteo, telling the story about him and Luna: ...and that was when I fell in love.
Gastón: No, you were always in love, that was just when you finally acknowledged it because you're a dumbass.

Delfi: Why do I have so much acne today? Ugh!
Jazmín: What's that thing? A-acne? I just breathe air.

Simón, to Ámbar: Are you okay?
Ámbar: Yeah, I'm fine.
Luna: Are you sure? You asked me earlier if you could borrow some glue to hold yourself together.

Luna: So, you two got kicked out of the movies. What for?
Simón: Matteo was yelling diving scores during Titanic as people jumped off the boat.
Matteo: That last guy had a solid 8, let me tell you.

*Jim and Yam meeting each other in middle school*
Jim: Hi! I'm Jim! And you are?
Yam: Apparently not as straight as I thought I was.

Luna: If I was a drink, I'd be cherry vanilla Coke. What would you guys be?
Ámbar: Bleach.
Emilia: Sewage.
Luna: Okay, calm down, edgelords.

Simón: *sneezes*
Ámbar: Bless you.
Simón: I'm already blessed every day I spend with you.
Ámbar: Aww, Simón...
Simón: Ámbar...
Jazmín: Jazmín!

Nina: Let's slow dance.
Gastón: *does the Macarena at 1/4 speed*

Luna: We need handcuffs. Who do we know who has handcuffs?
Simón: Well, Ámbar and I-
Ámbar: *elbows him*
Simón: -wouldn't know.

Matteo: I have the urge to do something stupid.
Luna, muttering: So if I was something stupid, would you do me?
Everyone: ...
Luna: Uh... I mean... You must want to... do yourself... because you sure are something stupid...
Yam, in the background: That was as smooth as sandpaper.

Ámbar: You're right.
Luna: That's... an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?

Matteo, talking about Emilia and Benicio: My God, will you two just get a room already?
Benicio: Excuse me, Matteo?
Matteo: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding?
Emilia: ...
Jazmín: I ship it!
Emilia: CAN YOU NOT?!

that's it for this part! i hope you guys enjoyed! also, please let me know if there are any specific characters or ships you want me to cover. i don't feel comfortable portraying toxic ships in a positive light, but anything else is fine. see y'all in the next part!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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