does love at first sight really exist

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"Come on Maddi hurry up! We are going to be late!" That was Noelle,my best friend.She is dying to go to our first college party, we have only been in college for three weeks."I'm hurrying," I was curling my hair for the occasion,"fine." You could hear her roll her eyes with her tone of voice."did you roll your eyes at me young lady?" Noelle popped her head in the bathroom,now I did it."hey!I'm older than you.Shirley Temple." She sticks her tounge out at me and I did it back.I role my eyes at how childish she is,that why I love her."Love you too!" I shouted to her,she came back in here and flipped me off."Wow I can really feel the love." She flips me off again and I just laugh and shake my head and mumble to myself "love you too sis." As we leave my phone vibrates and I see a message from Kobe.I smile at the text.

Kobe:hey babe,can't wait for tonight.Wear something sexy ;)

Maddi:you wish, we might be a little delayed.Traffic

Kobe:Alright,be safe,tell Noelle not to let you drive ;)

Maddi:Alright,love you xxxxx

Kobe: love you to Maddi xxxxx

I close my phone as we sit in traffic.


We surprisingly get to the party early,as Noelle parks the land rover,I'm dying to go see Kobe and love him.

We walk in the door,finally.From what seems like months.I walk into a boy that is tall has a bit of a beard and mustache and smooth green eyes.He wears a black shirt with a green cartoony eye and a black beanie."Sorry" he apologizes with an Irish accent,I have heard that voice before,but can't place from where."I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I nods and walks away.weird,well go Maddi move on.let's go find Kobe.My brain sometimes.

I walk into an unfamiliar and see it,something I wish I would never see."K-Kobe?" My voice breaks as I see them. Kobe making out with a incredibly skinny blonde.My heart pinches when he looks at me with his eyes full of shock and disbelief."M-Maddi.....wait..." I knew it,this is all a lie. I'm just his little game."Save it Kobe,stay with this bimbo." The blonde figure finally looks at me......"Adrianna?" She laughs "well now look who has the girl toy" she snarls at me.I can't take this anymore,I run for the nearest path to get away...stairs.I find a door that's unlocked and run inside and close the door.

After I calm down and look at my surroundings I see a computer,a pair of very nice but probably expensive head phones and a carmera.But the bed to the side has another cartoony green eye on this that guys room? Before I can answer my own question it answers itself,the guy comes in and sees me and freezes."Uh hi sorry I didn-" before I can finish my sentence he sits on his bed and pulls me down on the bed with him."I saw what happen out there." He saw? "I know how it feels...." He continues "by the way I'm Sean." He reaches out his hand and I shake it "I'm Madison or Maddi,which ever you like better." He smiles at me "Maddi it is..." There is a silence,not an awkward one just one with nothing else to say." Uh Maddi would it be weird if I asked if I could take you out to dinner?" I blush,why me with all the bimbos out there?" I'm not interested in those makeup faced girls." He answers my question as if he could read my thoughts."uh no,but I would be happy to...." I look up to meet his eyes,my phone buzzes as I excuse myself.

Noelle:What the hell happened? Kobe is bleeding and shit....

Maddi: he was making out with Adrianna.Someone probably bear him up, going out with someone....

Noelle:I wish I could have caused that.....

Maddi: I know you do.....ttyl.

"Ready to go Sean?"


We walk out to his car which is right next to my land rover,as we get in I sit down and buckle.Before I finish buckling my seat Sean kisses my cheek.I blush from his affection.Before he starts the car I lightly kiss him in the lips.But he takes his keys out and he signals me to get out and follow him.I do as told and follow. He leads me to the back yard,there is a little shed.he opens the door to reveal what looks like a mini living room.He leads me to the couch,before we sit he starts to kiss my jaw and land on my lips as we sit down.

He pulls my jacket off and take off His in the process of still kissing me.His lips taste of Vodka and sweetness.He puts his hand on my neck to deepen the kiss.I put my arms around his neck.

He pulls me onto his lap and not breaking the kiss.I really need this,not that dirt bag Kobe.I never want to see him again.My heart pinches as the memory keeps replaying in my mind.Sean pulls his hands down to my waist and I shift to deepen the kiss.


I wake up to a blinding light through a window,I soon began to panic and wonder where I am.I look to a sleeping body next to me.Then that's when I remember what happened last night....Kobe cheating to meeting Sean.I try to stand up but a pair of arms pull me back as I giggle as Sean kisses my neck softly and slowly."morning" he whispers in my ear with a husky Irish accent."morning Sean,did we um....." His eyes quickly shoot open."No we didn't have sex....." I let a breath of relief escape that I didn't know I was holding."Uh Maddi remember what happened last night? Well that guy Kobe....I beat the shit out of him." He emphasizes his name as if he had taken something from him.He was the one who beat him up? " why though,he didn't do anything to you." His eyes meet mine as he licks his lips and I that's when I remember he told me he saw everything." I saw the way he hurt you Maddi..... That's guys like that,that sicken me."


After I call Noelle to come and pick me up I hang out with Sean and play some video games to pass the time.But then I get a text from someone,probably Noelle telling me she is hear....I drop my phone from the text.

Kobe:Maddi plz answer,I was drunk...

I don't plan on answering.He is a selfish jerk,I was blinded by love unfortunately.

How did you like the first chapter? JSE (Jacksepticeye) is finally in it!!!!!! XD

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