Three Months Later

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Where's Sean?

"Sean?" I yell.

I fall to my knees.

I get pulled up by a tall figure.

I turn around to see two Doug's. One look at me with hope in his eyes.

While the other one is strangling Sean.

"Stop don't hurt him!"

I jump up sweating and crying. I plant my head in my hands and continue crying. Just then Sean sits up and looks at me sympathetically.

"What's wrong Princess?"he asked.

"I-I had a really bad dream." I whisper. Not meaning to, then Bitty jumps onto the bed.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I was somewhere I don't know. And I fell to the ground crying. Then Doug pulled me up and then there was another Doug but he was strangling you." I sniffle.

He pulls me to his chest and lays his hand on my some what bloated stomach.

"Shh it's ok Princess that wrong happen." He kisses my forehead.

We cuddle and he tells me how much he loves me.

I haven't seen Doug since when we told him I was pregnant.

*Sean POV*

Maddi woke up crying from a stream about me dying.

She cuddles into my chest and I kiss her forehead.

God I can't believe I'm going to be a Dad. I'm so scared, but I'm not going to leave her. Men that leave their girls and kids sicken me. They leave their girls alone to fend for themselves and the kids or kid.

I put my hand on Maddi's bloated stomach and pull her closer to me if possible.

God she is an angel, my angel.

I know I need to do it now.

"Hey Maddi?" I carefully shake her.

"Mmmm?" She groans.

"Can we do something real quick?"

"Ya of course." She gets up and waddles into the kitchen.

I tell her to stand.

I pull a box out from my pocket.

I get down on one knee.

She starts to tear up.

"Maddi you have made my life complete. I haven't done drugs ever since you came." She smiles with tears in her eyes."Your the love of my life and carrying my child... Hopefully."She laughs and it's contagious."Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you be my Betty and I'll be your Steve?" She smiles and I see lust flash across her eyes.

"Yes! Yes of course I will Sean.I love you so much."She sqeauls.

"I love you princess." I kiss her cheek and guide her into the bed room.


I wake up to a knocking at the door, but it didn't seem to effect Maddi.

I quickly run to the door so they don't knock again.

I open it to find Doug.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"I need to see Maddi where is she?" He steps in the door and walks into the living room.

"She's asleep." I harshly answer.

"Ok then I'll stay until she wakes up."

"No your leaving now." I calmly say.

"Fine I'll be back tomorrow." He stands up and leaves.

After Doug leaves I walk to the bedroom to find an empty bed.

But then I hear a coughing. Maddi!

I run to the bathroom. I grab her hair and rub her back as she throws up what little food she ate.

But when she lifts her head her face is stained with tears.

"Were you crying Maddi?" My heart aches at the sight.

"B-because I had another dream." I really don't think she heard Doug and I.

"Ok let's go back to sleep."

We go back into the bedroom with Bitty and go to sleep in each others arms,well Bitty was curling up with Maddi's stomach.

Like the chapter? It was sad I know but it's ok :D it'll get better.

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