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Peppa looked at her self in the mirror and huffed. "I'm a goth bitch but where are the big titties.." she muttered looking down at her chest that looked like dry wall but flatter.

She didn't bother to move the hair that was covering her eyes. Her new weave fit perfectly.  Mommy pig walked in and gasped. And then died of disappoinment.

Peppa kicked her body. "ugH dumb bitch. Couldn't you have died in your own room smh-" and then she walked around the body.

Daddy pig came upstairs and died of a broken heart because his wife was dead. Peppa smiled but stopped because she was a goth bitch with no titties. Goerge was eating serial and had a seizure when he saw his sister "diNa DinA DinAsOur DinAsOur diNaSauR D- Di- NnBusyvvzuBUbuBuBUshujiBiNiaibdnidmomoamoauhsuindDINASUARuvabuebbsu-"

Peppa scoffed and shoved him off the chair and ate his serial. "dumb hoEs I'm going to ✨suzy's✨!!!!!!" She yelled to her ded perents.

She walked outside and hijacked her parents car. She put it in drive and drove straight into the living room. She killed her dumb fish. Not a living room now. 

She figured out how to drive and put it in reverse and reversed all the way down the hill. She hit and tree and figured out how to go forward.

She forwarded all the way to suzy's dumb house. She got out of the car and walked to the house and jus walked in because she's a bad bitch. Suzys mom died from fear of the 7' pig who just drove through her living room.

"WhEreS suZy!!??111!!!!11?" Peppa screeched. Suzy came downstairs and gasped. "HHhHhghs pePpa you aRe sO smExy!!1!!!!!1!!!!!" She screeched and hugged her bestay.

peppa pig goes goth 😛😛😛😝😛✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼Where stories live. Discover now