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They killed everyone in the house except for zoe. They all stared at her and she started sobbing. "ugh why does everyone do that smh-" Suzy said. Peppa shrugged and all the girls gave zoe a make over. Now zoey is happy.

They went back out to the car and started blasting mcr again and screamed along to it

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They went back out to the car and started blasting mcr again and screamed along to it. They drove around and eventually they found a cool place. Peppa stopped the car. "now I'm going to teach you how to Drive." She said looking at the girls.

Emily stepped out of the line and peppa grabbed her and shoved her into the car. "okay! Watch me first!!!1!!1!" She drove around a little and then she shoved Emily into the drivers seat.

Emily hadn't been watching so she put the cat in neutral and pressed the break pedal 😐. "nO yOu fUckInG dOnkEy!!!!1!1!!1!" Peppa screeched. (Delphine donkey is pissed). She slapped Emily and shifted the car into drive. "sKinNy pEdAl!!1!!1!" She screeched. Emily pressed the pedal and the car rocketed forward. Peppa screeched and Emily cried.

Peppa smacked her again and Emily magically learned how to drive immaculately. Peppa screamed and hugged her "gOoD jAb BesTayYyYYy!!!1!1!!!" She screeched.

Emily screeched happily and got out. "lololol nOw ItS SuzIes Turn!n!!1!1!!"

peppa pig goes goth 😛😛😛😝😛✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼Where stories live. Discover now