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     "Here you go hun," The waitress said as she handed Dice a steaming cup of coffee.

He was about to thank the woman when his burner rang, he knew there was only one person who would be calling that phone. Iyana.

He answered as he glanced on the window, "I'm guessing this isn't a social call."

"Hello Jack, no, it's not." Iyana's smooth, sultry voice answered. He missed that voice.

"You still on assignment?" He asked, seriously as he lowered his voice.

"Yes. Which has gotten a lot more complicated." She replied.

'You have no idea' Dice thought, as he rubbed his stubble nervously.

How would he tell her that the man they were hiding from was looking to hire him to uncover their whereabouts? Would he tell her? He truly didn't know where they were but that's because he taught Iyana well. He hadn't taken the job but that's only because Dice had a hard and fast rule about children. He didn't mess with children. Once Isaac had mentioned a child he knew he wouldn't take the job. His decision was made twice over when he made the connection to Iyana's assignment and Isaac Wolfe.

The only information she trusted him with was that she had been assigned protection detail to a material witness in a capital murder case that would finally put away a big time Miami drug lord. The FBI was chopping at the bit to nab this guy for anything that would put him away for life and apparently Isaac Wolfe's nine-year-old daughter was their golden ticket.

He thought it best not to say anything at this time. She would eventually find out but she didn't need to worry about him. He liked that she still trusted him given their tumultuous history and he wasn't about to give her a reason to question his loyalty.

"Do tell. I love a side of intrigue over breakfast." Dice teased, glancing out the window again.

"Rowan August." Iyana stated.

"I'm sorry I don't follow."

"He's here. Where we are staying. Apparently he was born and raised here of all places." Iyana replied.

"And this is a bad thing because his notoriety would draw unwanted attention." Dice said, catching on.

"Yes, but there's something else." Iyana added.

"What?" Dice prompted.

"He's somehow related, I don't know if by blood or marriage, to Isaac Wolfe."

"Bloody hell Iyana, that does present quite a problem. Does Trent know this?" Dice replied, referring to Iyana's superior with the U.S. Marshals.

Iyana whispered, "Not yet. I will tell him but I need answers first. I need to know everything there is on Rowan August. Known and unknown associates. I need more information regarding his relationship with Isaac. This could be a very tenuous situation if not dealt with properly but it's a risk to move the witness this close to trial. Isaac has very powerful allies in every major city—we can't. I have you and I have Trent, I'm depending on you to find out what you can. I know if anyone can dig up information it's you. —Ah, yes, I'm ready— I—I got to go. Bye."

She hung up on Dice. Just like her to come in and out of his life like that. What a sucker. He still loved her after all this time. She was the one who left. Dice wanted to be bitter about it but he knew when he met her she was a bit of a rolling stone. His attachment was his problem. Commitment in both their perspective lines of work presented a challenge. She proved herself to be extremely driven and in that pursuit romance didn't even take a back seat. It was somewhere underneath the spare tire.

Dice flipped his cell phone closed and returned it to his leather coat. He glanced out the window for a third time. He had turned down the job Isaac had offered him. It was quite a pay out but he wasn't hundred percent certain no harm would come to the child. But just because he didn't take the job didn't mean he didn't have invested interest in who did. Now as he discreetly watched his former associate, Alan Little, read a file over a scone he knew Isaac was at the very least seriously considering maiming his daughter.

Little was a sadist. His specialty was torture. Race, gender, age it didn't matter. If he could make them scream he would, the more they scream the more he got off. He was a terribly thin man but Dice knew from watching him work he was an unusually strong, nimble man. His oily black hair perfectly slicked back and his small, rimless glasses barely hanging on his sizable nose. Dice was the best at finding people who didn't want to be found, but Little was a very close second. He wished now that he had taken the job. He thought Little was still doing time in Pavón.

   That was kind of his fault. Dice had double-crossed Little back in Guatemala a few years back. He knew back then he was taking a considerable risk prematurely terminating their partnership and thus making a lifelong enemy of Little. Little held grudges but the money was too good to pass up. On the not-so-bright-side, Little definitely wasn't murdered in Pavón like Dice had hoped he would be—which sucked. Little paid at the table and got up, Dice waited a beat without losing sight of him before doing the same. On his way out Dice passed the waitress and thanked her but didn't wait for a reply.

   Normally bald as a cue ball Dice had a wig on. Little had no idea Dice was tailing him and Dice wanted to keep it that way. He wanted to follow Littles' footsteps and find out what he knew. He wanted to know if Little had any leads yet. He hoped not. It didn't pay anything but somethings were worth more than money and it was his only way to keep Iyana safe. Just because Isaac's daughter was the target didn't mean Iyana wouldn't be taken captive too and if Little got to either one of them before he could death would be a mercy.

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