Not With My Sister

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"Dude, dude--hey Mikey! Where's Thea?" Short Round had sobered up sufficiently with the help of three cokes and looked around, searching for Thea. Everywhere he looked, nothing. He was done being irritated with Mikey, and now all he wanted was to help find Thea. He ran, puffing, up to Michael's side. "Didn't you hear me, man?"

Michael seemed to come out of a dream. "Isn't she here? I saw her a while ago, but I think it was when she first got here. Haven't you seen her?"

Short Round scratched his head, then pulled at his mohawk. "Okay, I saw her for a while, wandering around. She didn't look too happy, but I figured she'd get over it. It's Dewey's party, for crying out loud. And then I got involved with the beer." He hung his head, no more need be said.

"Look," said Michael, "We take off in opposite directions and look for her, then meet back here. Whoever finds her brings her with him, whether she wants to come or not. We don't find her, we still meet here. Take half an hour—we should be able to cover the party and see if she's still here."

They high-fived, and Short Round took off. Michael stood, hesitant, wondering if Thea had done something dangerous, like go to the house on his street, just because he had told her not to. If something had happened to her, it was his fault, and he'd never forgive himself.

"Michael." There was no mistaking that voice. He turned around and saw the Mariah-thing, watching her slowly re-arranging her features into the Mariah that he knew.

"What?' he asked rudely. He tried to hide what he was feeling. Anger, yes, but the sight of the girl in front of him melted some of the ice that had become his heart. For a moment he forgot the creature and took in the now-blue eyes and sheaf of black hair.

"Don't," he said, "It's not really you. I know what you are now. You made me fall in love with a lie."

"I'm doing this so you'll listen to me. Your friend is in danger, she's gone to the house. He has your sister. He caught her while she was walking home from the bus."

"Kit, he has Kit? I gotta go, I gotta find a ride."

She changed back into red-skinned, coal-eyed Fury. "Someone is leaving right now. If you run you can catch him before he leaves. He'll give you a ride, but you have to go now. Hurry, Michael—run!"

Michael turned on his heel and ran towards where a group of cars were parked. Thankfully, the person Mariah had spoken of was someone he knew from the skate park. It was no trouble to say that he was tired and needed a ride home. His friend agreed and let him off at the corner at the top of his street. When he asked Michael why he didn't need a ride directly to his house, Michael told one of his few lies and said he wanted to walk a little and clear his head. His friend let him out, then waved and sped away.

Michael waved back, then took off down the street at a run. He didn't know if the stalker was waiting, hidden in the bushes, but he didn't care. He had to get to the house. He didn't know what he'd do once he got there, but he'd improvise. He wasn't going to let that S.O.B. get his sister or Thea.

He was panting, his hair hot on the back of his neck, when he finally reached the house. He stood a moment to catch his breath, then heard glass crunch underneath his feet. He looked down to see the remains of an old window—a window like Mariah had described to him what now seemed a lifetime ago. He swore and stepped off the glass, walking carefully around it.

The window was barely visible in the dark, but it was exactly where Mariah had told him it was. A black, empty hole against the side of the house—so dark that it appeared to absorb light. He wanted to run, call Kit and Thea's names, but in spite of his rising panic, he forced himself to be silent. His Vans made no noise as he walked slowly and carefully across the grass.

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