Chapter 3

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STANDING INSIDE THE SMALL corridor, Christopher Anderson quickly put the missing panel back into the wall. As he let his isolinear chip slide into the pockets of his science uniform, he stealthily moved down the hallway, towards Engineering.

Christopher activated his life signs overlay, and – as he had expected – he could see a ghostly figure guarding the entrance to the engine room. After grabbing the phaser from the inside of his uniform, Christopher swiftly moved around the corner and silently shot the guard. The latter fell to the floor before even having had a chance to notice the intruder. Walking to the door that let to Engineering and stepping over the stunned enemy, Christopher took one of his photon grenades and set it to stun. He then manually opened the door, threw the grenade right in the middle of the power centre and stepped away from the entrance.

After seeing a faint flash of light – indicating that the grenade had gone off – Christopher went through the door and walked over to the panel controlling the shields. He then quickly turned on the panel and used it to cut off all power to the shields. 'Athena, overload the circuits for me, will you?' He silently watched his artificial assistant activated one of the special systems in Christopher's uniform, and a visible electric burst went through the cabling of the panel. No one will be powering those up again any time soon, Christopher thought. Knowing it would only be a matter of seconds before the place would go into red alert, he quickly activated his combadge. 'One to beam up.'

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