Chapter 13

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THE SHUTTLE SALAMINIA WAS parked in a cave on the south side of the mining complex. Fujita stood outside, overlooking the terrain in front of her. There was nothing but grassland and bush all the way to the horizon on either side of her.

The cave complex was more like a glorified with grass overgrown hill covered in deep holes and craters. The mines started on the north side and stretched kilometres deep into the ground. As Imzah had told them, hundreds of slaves worked into the mines day in day out. They mostly consisted of criminals and the unfortunates that had gotten into the Emperor's way.

Anderson knew where Fujita and her fellow Starfleet officers were. She was sure of it. The flight here had been eventless, the shuttle was old but worked fine and Fujita was a skilled pilot. However, Fujita could not believe that if Anderson had been able to track them when they were in the hangar, that he could not find them here. It was the only logical place for them to be, after all. Anderson was coming for them. Or awaiting them.

"There is a path around that ridge over there", Fujita said, pointing in the distance. A few meters ahead of them was a shadow-covered trail. The trees that surrounded it might give them enough cover to get out of the cave unnoticed, if anyone happened to be around here to see them.

The Admiral walked outside, followed by Valentino and Owen. They ran onto the path and hid between the trees. They continued onward and soon they covered the distance between where they had parked the Salaminia and the back entrance to the mines which Kyle had showed them.

The entrance was a simple tunnel, dug out by the slaves and supported by heavy metal framework. It was dark inside. Kyle had told them that it had been abandoned years ago when a new entrance was constructed, but it had never been closed off from the rest of the mining complex.

Carefully, Fujita stepped inside. She turned on the flashlight that she had found in the shuttle. The cave ahead of her was empty except for some rocks that were scattered about. The Admiral signalled for Valentino and Owen to follow her.

The three of them continued down the tunnel. According to Kyle's map, the shaft would extend for another few hundred meters and then split into two. Within a few minutes, they did indeed reach the junction and entered the left tunnel.

"Can we repeat the plan another time", Valentino whispered. His voice was shaking, and Fujita reminded herself that he was a young and fresh officer who had likely seen little action.

"Alright", Fujita said, "According to the spy, the crew is divided into two groups, one will be working in mineshaft 237B, the other will be in their quarters in section G of the main shaft. You and Owen will go to shaft 3A where one guard will be keeping watch, take him down and take his clothes. Then you will go to the quarters of the crew. In exactly sixteen minutes and–", Fujita checked the time on her tricorder, "–thirty-four seconds, the current guard will leave for the end of his shift one minute early and you will have one minute until the new guard comes in. In that time, you will get the crewmembers out. You will pretend to be the guard taking the slaves down to the shaft where they have their shift that day, but instead you'll bring them here. Take a turn at the second junction in shaft 6D, the route is on the map gave you. In the meantime, I'll get the crew out of shaft 237B and bring them here, after which you will take them over and I will try to find another shuttle. We'll meet back where we parked. If either of us isn't back within the hour, the others will leave. Clear?"

Valentino nodded and swallowed loudly. "Yes sir."

Fujita continued onwards, until they reached another junction.

"This is where we part. Good luck."


Rocks cut into her back as Fujita was slammed tightly against the wall of the cave, her head just around the corner of the junction so she could observe the scene ahead.

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