prologue: aksis?

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( : this is when people talk)

Ruby pov
Ozpin sent us on a mission to find a strange energy signature and we found the place ruby: this place is creepy
Yang: yeah
We walked in to find a locked door but it opened as we got closer and the lights turned on we find something or someone we have never seen

Ruby povOzpin sent us on a mission to find a strange energy signature and we found the place ruby: this place is creepyYang: yeahWe walked in to find a locked door but it opened as we got closer and the lights turned on we find something or someon...

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Ruby: what is that?!
Yang And Blake: idk
Weiss: why are asking me?!

The place we're in started to make noises and what ever it was is now on

?????: what are you doing here?
Ruby,yang,Blake and Weiss: ?!

It looked at us

?????: ANWSER me!
Ruby: ozpin sent us to find strange energy signatures
?????: good now,leave
Ruby: wait can you atleast give us your name?
?????: my name is aksis

After that team rwby left and report what they found to ozpin

siva? (aksis reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now