chapter 1: choosing a side

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Aksis/y/n pov

You lower the top half of your body onto your lower half and remove your 6 spider like legs from where they we're and walks out of the building

Aksis/y/n: fresh air

What you didn't know there was a pale lady with red eye and red vains on her face watching you

Salem: hmmmmmm
Aksis: I know your there
Salem: damn it

She walks out and you look at her not surprised she's here

Aksis: what do you want
Salem: for you to join
Aksis: give me a reason to
Salem: the guardian who killed the first aksis is still alive

You froze at those words the first aksis was your friend when you first got Siva he also helped you control it after he died you took his mantal as aksis the arch priest

Aksis: fine but I also get to kill ruby
Salem: fine by me also follow me

She begins to walks off you follow her though a portal and end up in her castle in the land of darkness and almost get hurt b6 someone key word Almost you grab them

?????: who are you and why are you here?!
Aksis: I am aksis and I just joined your guys little group
?????: wait aksis? YOU mean the long dead arch piest aksis
Aksis: I took his mantal when he died
?????: oh well I'm cinder
Aksis: didn't ask

Cinder walks away and walks to Salem to ask a question

Aksis: Salem?
Salem: hm?
Aksis: who was this guardian
Salem: there a au where instead of becoming this you become a guardian
Aksis: !?!

I was surprised to hear. I went to bed or just shut off while I was shut off I started to replicate Siva nanites for use against rwby and beacon.
(Time skip by chibi aksis playing hide and seek with chibi cinder)

It's the morning and I already heat yelling from cinder room so I go to check it out

Aksis: what's the problem
Cinder: we can't get past the fire wall so we can't register into heaven to go to beacon
Aksis: alight let me help

I turn smaller to go into cinder room and go the computer and do my thing be cause of the Siva nanites I'm really good at hacking

Aksis: and there
Cinder: how did you-
Aksis: Siva
Cinder: ok

I go to Salem and ask if I can go with cinder and she says yes do when the next day comes our four man group heads out

Cinder: are you sure they won't notice you?
Aksis: I'll use a fake name
Cinder: what's the fake name?
Aksis: (f/n) (fake name)
Cinder: how will you hid what you look like
Aksis: Siva
Cinder: alight then let's go

The four of you head off to beacon ready to start the plan whenever

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