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Here is a story of a girl who seems to be asleep during the day and at night she's wide awake—yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there.
Her face filled with thick colors of makeup, in a place where all the lights blinks on and off—she dances. . .
night by night.

Lola has a childhood friend named Rico. These two seemed inseparable, you wouldn't see one without the other.
When they were younger, the two would always play paper boats by the lake.
They would race there after school and whoever lost would cary the winner to his or her house. It really didn't matter because even if he would win, Rico wouldn't allow Lola to carry him on her back. He can't, even if he tries to.
he's too ticklish.

Why is everybody looking at us?
-asked Rico.

I don't know!
-replied Lola.
Maybe you didn't shower this morning.
-she jokingly added.

Rico just looked at her in disbelief.

But that is kind of a normal thing wherever they go. She really is a head turner and it never seemed to bother her.
It appears that she may even get some form of appreciation by it, in-fact, and Rico is becoming a bit jealous. It's noticeable that as they are coming of age, she is getting more and more attractive. Is it that? Or maybe he is starting to have feelings for Lola? The difference is starting to become blurry at this point, but he didn't want to think he have feelings for her. That he was jealous, or that he wants more and more of his time spent with her.

Rico's feelings for Lola eventually got stronger as time progressed and so he started planning everything, how and when to say what he's feeling, hoping that Lola would feel the same way for him. He decided he was gonna tell her about his feelings before it's too late.

And so their graduation day came and Rico thought that it was the perfect time to tell Lola about his feelings for her.
He pulled himself together, looked on the mirror and put on his war face and proceeded to talk to Lola.

This is it.
-he whispered to himself.
It's now or never.

As he was getting ready to approach her, hands are sweating, shaking.
He's nervous but he's fighting it.

What the hell is wrong with you?!
-he asked himself.
Get it together dammit!
-he instructed as he tries to continue to walk towards Lola.

-yelled Lola.
I want you to meet somebody.
-she continues.

But Lola, I need to tell you something.
-Rico argues.

Is it important?
-asked Lola.

And before Rico even got a chance to answer her question,

Can we just talk about it later?
-Lola asked.
I really want you to meet somebody.
-she continues.

She pulls a guy from behind that was standing behind her the whole time, but to Rico, he wasn't there before. His eyes were too focused on Lola that he didn't notice that there was a guy standing behind her the whole time.

Meet Tony, my boyfriend.
-Lola said to Rico.

Tony extended his arm but Rico was just standing there staring at Tony, frozen in disbelief, not understanding what just happened.

Are you okay Rico?
-asked Lola.

Oh, yeah, Sorry Tony.
-said Rico.
I'm Rico.
-he continues.

Nice to meet you.
-Tony said.

You...as well.
-Rico replied hesitantly.

It wasn't the same between Rico and Lola after that. Rico tries to distance himself from Lola and he just wasn't the same friend that Lola used to have.
Lola took notice of that and it saddened her; And when she came to a point where she has to decide if she would stay at their hometown or come to the city with Tony, that quickly became the deciding factor.
They ended up bidding farewell to each other and Lola left their hometown to go to the city with Tony.
That was the last time that Rico and Lola would see each other for a long time.

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