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One year later

Today is the one year anniversary of Jordan and I dating, and life couldn't be better. We now live together, my YouTube career has greatly taken off, and I'm living life with my best friend/soul mate. Oh, and did I mention that I am 9 months pregnant with our daughter?

"Hey babe." Jordan said walking in the room. He came over to me and kissed me, then he placed both of his hands on my stomach.

"Sonja, Tucker, and Tom will be over any second now." He said and I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw 3 smiling faces.

"Hey!" They all said at once. First Sonja gave me a hug.

"This is my first time seeing you with a baby inside of you, ha. You look great. I've missed you so much." I told her that I'd missed her too.

"My little sister is growing up." Tucker said giving me a hug.

"Don't worry, I'm still your little sister."

"I'm gonna be Uncle Tom!" Tom yelled making us laugh.

"Do you want to feel her kick?" I asked and he nodded. I took his hand and placed it on the area where she was kicking. "That's so cool!" He said amused.

"How do you feel?" Tucker said and we all sat on the couch.

"Morning sickness sucks. I get nauseous so much, it's not even funny. But besides that I feel really good." I sat resting my head on Jordan's shoulder.

"Are you two ready for parenthood?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, we are." Jordan said smiling at me. Before I could reply with anything I felt water drip down my leg.

"Jordan, my water broke." I said trying to keep calm. "Okay, you guys take her down to my car and I'll grab the bag." Tucker and Tom helped me get downstairs. When we got to the car I sat in the back with Tucker and Sonja and they kept trying to calm me down. The pain got worse and worse over time. Once we arrived at the hospital they put me in a room and hooked me up to a bunch of different machines. A doctor walked in and checked the baby's heart beat to make sure she was okay.

"I think it's time to have this baby." He said and left the room to get some nurses. I was in the middle of my worst contraction yet.

"Do you want us to leave now?" Sonja asked.

"Could you actually stay Sonja with Jordan?" I asked. Tom and Tucker left the room once the nurses started coming in. Sonja stood on my left side and Jordan stood on my right. I took hold of both of their hands as soon as the nurse said "On the count of three I want you to push. 1...2...3." I screamed as I tried to push.

"Four more times!" The doctor said. The pain was excruciating.

"I can't do this." I said crying.

"Yes you can baby." Jordan said combing back my hair with his fingers. I pushed as hard as I could four more times and I could hear a baby crying. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse hand Jordan a blanket, but in the blanket was our baby.

"Babe, look. It's our little girl." Jordan said handing her to me. She had my dark brown eyes and Jordan's brown hair.

"What's her name?" Sonja asked admiring her. I looked up at Jordan who was smiling at the baby.

"I like the name Nicole Sonja Maron." I said and Sonja's face lit up.

"I love it. I'll I get Tucker and Tom." Jordan said leaving the room. They walked in and as soon as they saw her they smiled from ear to ear.

"She's gorgeous sis." Tucker said and Tom said "She's so pretty." They all took turns holding her and when it got to Jordan I couldn't help but smile because I knew that he was going to be a great father.

Distant Memories//Jordan MaronWhere stories live. Discover now