09: Jen's Ex

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Shelby's POV:

Once we got home I was so scared, "Mom, I am really sorry. I didn't think I would fall asleep in his car." My mom looked at me, "Why did you fall asleep? How?" My mom questioned me, oh shit. "Honestly, we did make out and that's when it happened." I replied. "Shelby, he could have raped you or something while you were sleeping." she told me, very scared. "But he didn't! That's why you should be thankful. I learned my lesson, I am so sorry." I hugged her, "I won't tell your dad. But next time just text or call me. I was so worried." Our hug broke up and I went to bed. I woke up the next morning to my mom coming in my room and hanging up my laundry. I got up and headed to the shower and once I got out I heard my phone ringing in my room. I stepped out of the shower and walked quickly into my room with just a towel on. "Hello?" I answered my phone. "Shelby, I need you to come over and quick. It's an emergency." Jen told me. I got dressed and put all of my makeup in my purse and I told my parents I was leaving and I was on my way. My mind was going crazy and wondering what could be wrong. After thirty minutes of driving and wondering I finally pulled up into her driveway. I didn't even get the chance to knock, she was there waiting. "Shelby!" Jen yelled and hugged me, I could tell that she had been crying. "What's wrong?" I asked her very concerned, realeasing our hug.

Jen's POV:

I am so scared, I don't know how to say it. I brought Shelby into my room and told her to sit down. "I have some news.." I said trying to hold my tears back. "You know that night with Connor?" I waited for Shelby to reply..."The party where Jack and I hung out?" "Yes, that one. Well Connor and I hung out a lot, probably too much." I could tell by the look on Shelby's face that she had no idea where this was going. "I- I'm pregnant, Shelby. I am pretty sure I am. I took two tests and they were both positive." Shelby got up and hugged me, "I will be here for you no matter what, what are you going to say to your mom?" My heart stopped when she said that, I forgot that I even had to tell her. It's almost like she doesn't live here anymore. "I don't know yet, I just don't know what to do when we go back to school. I don't think I'm going to tell Connor. I know he likes me and I know that he's a very sensitive guy and he wouldn't leave but I can't ruin his high school year, you know?" I admitted to her. "I get what you're saying Jen.. But you can't just gain weight and expect him not to know. He might think it's not his and that you moved on. I will help you out as much as I can, okay?" Shelby replied, it made me feel kind of guilty. I guess I should tell him.. "Do you want to go out for food? I mean after all I am pregnant." I asked Shelby while chuckling. "Yeah, lets go! Do you want to take your car or mine?" Mine doesn't have very much gas, "We should just take yours." We headed out but I drove Shelby's car while she did her makeup in the car. "You don't even need makeup, you have like the clearest skin ever Shelby." Shelby just looked at me and smiled while rolling her eyes. Once we got to Panda Express, we got our food and sat down.

Shelby's POV:

As we're sitting there eating, I look over and there's a man sitting on the other side of the room. He looks really familiar, he caught me staring and winks. He's that guy from the concert! He walked over to me, "I didn't mean to stare but you look really familiar." I admitted. "Yeah, I saw you at the concert, you were with Taylor.." The man told me, I didn't think he would know him. "How do you know Taylor?" I asked him. "He and I went to school last year, he graduated last May." I looked up at the man and couldn't help but notice how good he looks in snapbacks, "Do you want to sit down? I notice that you're eating alone." He looks over at his table and walks to get his food and brings it and sits next to Jen, which now he's sitting right across from me. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Oh, uh, I'm Matthew Espinosa. I go by Matt though." He winked at me. He was really cute but I think he already knew that. Once we got done with our food and all of our conversation I kind of brought up Cam. "Do you know Cameron Dallas?" I asked him. "Yeah! He is my bro, I love him. I heard he went back to LA, that really sucks." I smiled, "Yeah, it does." He looked at me as if he were curious, I kind of hoped that he would ask, but he didn't. We all stood up, "Well it was nice seeing you Shelby, Jen." He smiled at us and he hugged me goodbye. He even took our trash. "We should all really hang out sometime again, this was fun." I shook my head, "Yes." We walked out to our cars and I tried to start mine, it wouldn't work. "Well this is embarrassing.." I said to Jen. She looked at me and laughed, "Yeah just a little, for you." I didn't know what she meant by that but I was really embarrassed.

Matt's POV:

I can't believe she's friends with Jen, that is so weird. I looked over to their car, expecting them to be gone already...her car wouldn't start. Should I offer her a ride? I got out of my jeep and knocked on her window, "Need a ride?" "Yes, please." Shelby replied. She took the key out and locked the doors. Shelby sat in the passenger side and Jen sat in the back. "So uh are you ready for school?" Jen asked me. "Oh damn, that's next month. I can't believe it. What's today?" I asked whoever was willing to answer. "It's July 2nd." Jen replied. "Oh, I'm leaving tomorrow night for Arizona. We always leave for Fourth of July. You see, we own a little vacation home. It's so much fun." "That sounds like a lot of fun, Matt.," Jen told me. I knew where she was going with this, "Meet any girls over there lately?" Jen asked me. I stopped the car, "Okay Jen, can you fucking stop? It happened last February. I have apologized a number of times. Do you know how hard it is to lose the one you love because of something that was your own druken fault? I am sorry, please just let it go. You broke up with me!" I confessed, hoping to not scare Shelby with my temper. "WHOA, you guys dated? That is so weird." Shelby asked. "Yeah, we were in love until he left for Arizona and cheated, he's a dog. A dirty, dirty, dog." I was so embarrassed, I didn't want Shelby to think I was a 'dog'. "Hey Jen, it's okay. You're over it. You have someone else now and if he wants someone else then that's cool too, you know? I think everyone has cheated...right?" Shelby awkwardly sat there. "Right, a lot of people have. It's nothing to be proud of but it's like a newborn baby, it happens everyday." We all sat there awkwardly until we got to Jen's.

Shelby's POV:

I hugged Matt before I got out of the car. We walked inside and I looked back at Matt before going into Jen's and he winked at me. I felt awkward since that was Jen's ex. I got a text from Hayes. h- Is that your car at Panda express? haha s- haha yeah, that is h- do you need us to jump it? s- that would be really helpful, we'll be there as fast as we can. "Jen! I need to borrow your car to go get mine, come with me?" Jen put her shoes back on and grabbed her purse and keys. We had to stop and get gas and I was going to get out until I saw Taylor. I was too embarrassed still to even attempt to conversate with him or let alone make eye contact. "Jen, I need you to do it." I looked at her and moved my eyes over to the next gas pump. "OH shit, is that Taylor?" she asked me. "Yes!" "Oh, he's really cute." she said smirking and checking him out. She got out to get gas and she yelled him name! He looked over and saw me hiding a little, "Sup Shelby." "Heyyyy Taylorrr, what's up?" He just looked at me and smiled and put his head down," It's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed. I've been through it all. I'll see ya later, kid." He said as he slightly hit my chin. I got back into the driver's seat and sat there just looking at the steering wheel. Jen got back into the car, "I like him Jen. I have caught the feels for a fuckboy." Jen just hugged me, "It's okay, we've all been there." She looked at me and laughed. Once we got to Panda Express Hayes and his mom were waiting on Jen and I. "Hey!" Hayes greeted me with a hug. I hugged him back. "How are you and Jaki?" "Oh, Jaki? We're pretty good. She's been gone for softball for this entire past week. I really, really, really miss her. I think I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend once she gets back." Hayes informed me. "Oh my gosh, yessss. It's about time!" I told him shortly before his mom came over with the jumper cables. She jumped it and soon enough, it started up in the blink of an eye. "Thank you so much Elizabeth!" I said as I hugged Hayes' mom. "No problem honey, if you ever need anything I'm here. Just between you and I, I think Nash misses you. He's been really distant and he hasn't talked to us since that night you two got into that arguement." I looked at her feeling guilty, "I'll try and talk to him soon, I'll see you later!" I told Elizabeth as she got her cables and headed to her truck. "I'll see you around Shelby." Hayes told me hugging me again. I hugged him back and he left. I drove home and realized that my parents weren't home. It was pretty late once I got home, I called them, "Mom, where are you?" "Oh, Hi Shelby. We're at the casino. We work all week, this weekend is about us. We'll be home later. I love you." "Love you too, mom." I hung up and there was a knock on my door, my dogs started barking. I opened the door, "Jack!" I seemed surprised. He was very blunt, "I've missed you so much. I'm sorry for getting angry, I had no right to."

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