06: I have always loved you. And by I, mean me, not he.

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Shelby's POV:

The longer that I talked to Jen, the more that I realized how good of a friend she is. She's nothing like Andrea, she's as sweet as can be. She isn't a jealous bitch and I like it.
"Are you and Cameron doing okay now?" Jen looked at me and asked.
"I don't think he and I will be okay. I hope so, I miss him. I mean, I lost my virginity to him. Of course he crosses my mind." I admitted.
Jen looked so surprised, "You're kidding! I had no idea. From what Connor was telling me, Cameron is leaving for his flight today, he won't be back for awhile. His parents divorced so he's moving in with his sister, in LA."
"Wait, what? I have to see him!" I took off for the airport and we left. I forgot about everything. I looked like shit, I was nervous. I didn't want him to think that so I was dreading it. "That explains why he called me about an hour ago, he was leaving. I had no idea." Once we got to the airport, I parked and I ran inside with Jen right behind me.
I saw him sitting on a chair, "Cam!" I yelled. He looked at me, he had that welcoming smile again. "Look, I'm so sorry about ev-" he put his hands on my face and kissed me, "I don't care, I was hoping to see you before I left. I tried to tell you this morning, but nobody would let me talk to you. Especially Jack, he was a real dick." Cameron told me. "I just wanted to say that I forgive you, I don't care what you did with Jack or Nash. I really don't. I know that I love you more than they do, I know that I can treat you better than them. You mean the world to me Shelby. I can't help what I feel and I know it's so soon but I can't help it," They called something over the intercom, "That's my flight. I'll see you in a few months. I'm so sorry that it had to be like this. I love you." He kissed me and hugged me tighter than ever." tears streamed down my face, "I love you too Cameron Alexander Dallas." I kissed him once more before leaving. I watched him board and all I could do was sit in the same spot that he was sitting in. I sat and cried for awhile until Jen walked up to me, "Come on." she said in the softest tone and grabbed my arm, helping me get away from that painful memory.
"Jen, you never know what you have until it's gone." I said sitting in my car before starting it.
"I know sweetheart, we all do. It will be awhile but you'll get through it. I promise." She put her hand on mine and she started my car for me. After a few minutes of driving in silence Jen plugged in her phone to my AUX and played some cheerful music. I just smiled and tears rolled down my face some more. "Turn left here," Jen informed me, "are you sure that you're going to be okay?" Jen asked before getting out. I shook my head yes and I hugged her. "Here's my number, just in case if you ever need anything." she handed my phone back to me and saved it for me. "I sent myself a text from your phone just in case if I need to reach you, it will be okay Shelby. I promise. Have a good night, and thank you for the ride." She shut my door and turned around and waved at me before going into her house. She had a cute little isolated house in the woods, I really liked it. I started my car back up and drove home. My heart was aching and I felt like shit. I couldn't go on like this much longer.
I got home around four in the afternoon. I walked through the door and went straight to my room, once again, not saying anything.
"knock knock, can I come in?" I heard my mom's voice. "come in!" I raised my voice.
"what's wrong baby girl?"
"Cameron left for LA, he'll be gone for a few months. I am in the worst mood ever."
"Is that the one that was here on your birthday?" she asked, I shook my head.
"I know, it hurts. Love hurts. It's only a few months. You'll be fine honey. I love you. Are you hungry?"
"No, not really. I just want to be alone." I hinted at her. She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me and closed my door quietly.
I got a call, "Hello?" It was Jack! "Why hello Mr. Johnson," I chuckled, "how are you? I want to hang out." I told him not even 5 seconds into our conversation.
He came by and knocked on my door, "Shelby! Jack is here." I ran out and hugged him and wrapped my legs around him. "Why don't you two just date already, damn." my dad said, teasing us. "Mr. Radare, I'm actually trying, in fact, I have been for the past eight years." We both laughed and went outside. "Should we take my car or yours?" I winked at him showing him my car keys. "Dude, you got a car! That's sick, I've been waiting to use all of your gas instead of mine." we both laughed again. We got inside of his car, "Jack, I like hanging out with you because you make me laugh uncontrollably. You help me to be myself, thank you for that." He smiled at me and put his hand on my knee. I told him all about the past three days and how crazy they have been. I went from waking up to Cameron Dallas, my birthday dinner and birthday sex, getting messed up, having oral sex, and crying non stop, and being left. "Carter was literally at IHOP THAT early in the morning? Atta boy Gilinsky!" Johnson said laughing. I knew he'd like that story, he hates Carter. He wasn't even slightly jealous of me having sex or anything, I'm very surprised. Last I knew, he liked me a ton.
"Shelby...I met someone. She's absolutely perfect." I was so focused on how he actually got over me enough that he was able to get a girlfriend. "Jack, that's great and all," I started saying, "but how did you get over me enough to get a girlfriend?" he looked at me as if he were shocked that I would even ask something like that, "well, shelby. I just did it. I still liked you whenever she and I first started dating but then the more I was with her, the more I got interested in her and not you." I shook my head and had a blank stare, "huh." I focused really hard on what he had said. I needed to try that.
Once we arrived to our destination, there was a girl standing on the side walk. She had an amazing body, I was very intimidated. I stuck my hand out, "Hi, I'm Shelby. I've been Jack's best friend since third grade." I smiled really big. "Of course, I've heard a lot about you, I'm Lauren Giraldo. It's very nice to finally meet you." she smiled at me. We went inside and we all just ordered chocolate shakes and hung out with each other and talked. It was a lot of fun.
"I have to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I tell Lauren and Jack J before leaving. I walk over to the bathrooms and I notice a boy and he's walking towards the girls bathrooms, "Hey!" I yell. He turns around, seeming very frightened. "Those are the girl's bathrooms." I giggle. "Oh my goodness, I had no idea. I am so embarrassed." He puts his head down. "Hi, I'm Shelby. seventeen, misguided, and third wheeling." I shake his hand. "Well hello shelby, I'm Shawn. Almost seventeen, wannabe singer, and all alone." we both laughed at what each of us had said. "care if I join you?" he asked me. "no, no! not at all. it would be a miracle if you did actually." I said as we both looked over at Jack Johnson and Lauren. "Ugh, that must suck." he told me. I shook my head, "you have no idea.." we walked over to a booth and we stayed there all night and talked about anything and everything.

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