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"I loved you, Kacchan. I still do"


The weight of those few weeks rested heavily on his shoulders. He carried it. He hid everything behind a smile - behind a mask, a façade, an invisible wall that no one even noticed. He couldn't believe it.

He was dead.

He really was dead now.

Silence filled the halls that were once filled with his angry shouting.

Silence filled the rooms that were once so happily filled with chattering and his annoyed growl when something pissed him off.

As a wise person once said: "The bigger the light, the darker the shadows"

And for Izuku, Katsuki was the brightest light that ever shone (besides All Might). And what would happen, if you take away the sun from earth? It would freeze, it would fall into darkness. Chaos would erupt and the light you thought you had, the hope that shone so brightly, would be gone forever.

And for Izuku, Katsuki was the sun that shone so brightly, that warmed his heart like no one else ever could. He was the light that kept him going. He was the one who gave him hope. He was the one he thought of as invincible. But now that even the invincible has fallen, what other could Izuku believe than that this world was doomed. That maybe his world was doomed. That it soon would have it's downfall. He could already feel it. He already knew that his world would sooner or later collapse. That it would feel as if the walls would be caving in on him.

These shadows were haunting him. Because he knew. He knew it was partially his fault, too. He didn't save him in time. He could've pulled him out of Dabi's grip. He could've pulled him out of that warb gate. He could've saved him.

Yet, he didn't. His injuries stopped him. And the desperate whisper of Katsuki's 'don't come... Deku!' was still on his mind. Every single night, the words repeated themselves in his mind. The pleading look of his childhood friend was always the image Izuku's mind played when he closed his eyes.

The pain was permanently in his chest, in his heart. And after a while...

Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. Days turned to weeks. And weeks turned into a whole year.

Every day, Izuku would pray to Katsuki. He would talk to him, hoping he would hear him. Hoping he would listen to his apologies, to his regrets, to his thoughts and to his news. Hoping he would one day see him again. Hoping he would one day be able to hear his voice again. Even if it was only a 'shut up, stupid Deku'. He wouldn't mind. He wouldn't care. He only wanted to hear his voice. No matter what he'd say.

So when he sees his childhood friend in front of him, watching him with furrowed brows and small tears shimmering in his eyes, he couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe his childhood friend - the one person he always admired, always looked up to and always cared deeply for - was standing right in front of him.

He placed the flowers on Katsuki's grave, reached for the figure of his Kacchan. Yet, he moved away from Izuku's touch. "Kacchan," he breathed out and was met with a shocked face. Now faded red orbs looked into green ones in disbelieve. "Kacchan," Izuku called again and his tears landed on the ground beneath him as he stared at the pale figure.

He felt relief.

The weight that rested on his shoulders was now light as a feather.

"Deku," Katsuki whispered and his tears slowly dripped down his cheeks and faded into the air. His hand moved from his side and to Izukus cheek. He silently pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, hugging him tightly.

The blond felt Izuku's warmth, yet, the greenette only felt the cold air getting colder. But still, he could feel his childhood friend and now he knew. He knew all his prayers had been heard. He knew all his wishes came true and all his dreams since that day were finally achieved.

He clutched the black fabric of Katsuki's shirt - the one he had on when he died - and desperate cries left Izuku's throat as he repeated the name of his childhood friend like a mantra.

It didn't matter how cold he was now because of him. It didn't matter how many tears he shed. The only thing that mattered was that he was here with him. After such a long time. Finally, he could hear his voice again. Finally, he could feel him again. Finally, he could see him again.

He cried. For so long, he didn't even remember what time it was. He forgot everything around them, was only focused on the one thing he'd missed so much.

Until he said those words he always needed to hear and yet, never heard..

"It wasn't your fault," he whispered. "It never was and don't let any shitty extra ever tell you it was because of you. I should've been more careful."

Those words.. those words were that one drop into a full glass of water. Those words were that one thing that made Izuku falter. They were what made him cry louder, harder. And Katsuki held him tightly. He rubbed his back in a comforting manner, rested his head on top of Izuku's.

"I miss you, Kacchan", Izuku said, "so much."

"I know, Deku. I know", Katsuki whispered.

"I'm so sorry", Izuku said, "for everything I've ever done to upset you."

"I know, Deku. Don't be", Katsuki whispered again.

"Everyone misses you, but I'm missing you the most", now, Izuku was whispering.

"I know", Katsuki breathed out. "I was there. Always."

He looks down, slightly breaking the hug, and took Izuku's cheek into his hand once again.


"I loved you, Kacchan. I still do", the greenette quietly confessed.

"I know, Deku. I love you too", Katsuki said and leaned down to capture those sweet lips with his own. The kiss was magic, for both of them. Izuku didn't feel the cold air like when they hugged. He felt so warm, so cozy, so.. safe. And Katsuki finally did what he wanted to for years.

The kiss lasted almost an eternity, yet, it only really lasted a few minutes. "Deku", Kacchan's ghost said and faded into nothingness. His voice echoed into nothing as he said: "Remember me.."

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