I turned on my studio lights that were connected to my mirror. I sat down and grabbed everything I needed, and proceeded to try to cover up the dark bags under my eyes.
After I got done with my makeup, I heard a knock. I just ignored it but they knocked again. I sighed and got up to unlock the door. Tai came in with my dress, and asked me was I ready to get dressed. I just nodded.
He walked over and sat on my bed, I stood in front of him. He bent down so I could step into the dress. I held onto his shoulders as I put my other foot in. As he pulled my dress up I tried and failed to keep my tears in.
As I broke down he wrapped his arms around me.
"Listen imma keep it a buck witchu. I can't tell you how I really feel, cause ian been in no situation like this. But all I can do is be here for you" He said
"I love you" I said
"And I love you" He said as he kissed me
"Now we will have his sister, Jasmine, come up and and say a few words." the pastor said
I stood up holding my belly. As I walked up i began to get emotional. I collected myself as I got to the podium and tried to push down any tears I had.
"Mikeys death still has not set in and I still have not accepted the fact that he's gone and I will never be able to say goodbye or hello again. Mikey was the best brother anyone could ask for. He was overprotective and sometimes that got on my nerves but I know that it was only because he loved me and wanted what was best for me. The last two times we talked it ended in an argument and we hung up the phone without saying 'I love you'. Don't go a day without saying you love your family and friends because you never know when they could have their last breath and you wont ever get to say goodbye" I said
Time had passed by and now they were taking his casket to the car. My dad, Tj, Uncle J, and my other cousins helped taking him out to the car. I walked out with my mom and Jada was on the other side of her, while Aunt J was by me.
— Me and Jada just watched as they lowered him into the grown. Everyone was walking back to there cars. I just can't believe my brother is gone. What really hurt me was that he promised he would never leave.
"Okay im ready" I said
Jada nodded and we headed back to her car. We got in and she plugged her phone up to the aux. 'Better Days' played through the car