𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐚
𝐀 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫- 𝟑:𝟑𝟓 𝐩𝐦
"Hello Ms. Wright, how have you been?" The Doctor asked me
"Eh i've been okay" I said
"And im assuming that this is the father" She said
"Yes it is" I said
"Nice to meet you im Doctor Janae" She said with her hand out
Zy'aire just stared at her hand then looked back up nodding.
"Im so sorry he's not a hand shaking person" I said
"Thats fine. It was nice meeting you. Now how's it been with the stress?" She asked me
"I have my days" I said
"Well Ms. Wright imma need you to start taking it slow. Nobody wants to be on bedrest early" She said and I just nodded
"Okay well i'll be right back and we can get started" She said and I nodded
She walked out the room leaving me and Zy.
"Why you ain't tell me yo stress levels were high?" He asked
"It slipped my mind" I mumbled
"Yea igh" He said as he shook his head
I was gonna say something but I was cut off by Doctor Janae coming in.
"Okay lets get started. Remember this is cold" She said as she put the thing on my stomach
"Okay see here...that is your baby. A size of an olive" She said as she pointed on the screen
I just smiled at it. I wasn't really ready to be a mom but now I am more than ready. I looked over at Zy to see him smiling a little bit too.
"Looks like little olive doesn't want nobody to know what it is" She said
"But would you like to hear the heartbeat?" She asked and I nodded
Soon our baby heartbeat filled the air. Tears started coming down my face. It was music to my ears hearing our baby heartbeat.
"Would you guys want pictures?" He asked
"Yea" Zy said
"Okay I will be right back" She said as she walked out the room
"Man stop all that sap shit" He said as he wiped my tears
"Shut up" I said as I sniffed and took the stuff off my stomach
Minutes later she came back in.
"Okay here you go. You may make your next appointment at the front desk. Here are your vitamins. Maybe next appointment we will find out the gender" She said as she gave us each a picture
"Okay thank you Doctor Janae" I said as I got off the thing
"You not hungry?" He asked
"No im just sleepy" I said as I laid my head on the window
"You might not be hungry but my son is...so pick a place" He said
"Cotton candy and pickles" I said
"Food not snacks. You not finna be feeding my son that shit" He said as he mugged me
"Then you pick" I said
I closed my eyes than my phone started ringing.
"Oh my fucking goshhh" I dragged