Chapter 2: Its A Start

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They walk through the crowd as fireworks go off, lighting up the night sky. "I don't see what you're problem is, you're about to be the last eligible man in New York, plus with a few million women here," Bucky informs him.

Millie giggles, folding her arms behind her back as she walks, making Bucky flick his eyes at her with a smile "What so funny?" he asks, she stops, twists, and is face to face. Bucky was taken by surprise as their chests were almost touching. "That you will and always be a ladies' man," she answers and walks on. "Don't wander off too far!" Steve calls out to her.

She turns with a smile waves back and wonders off, Bucky's eyes following her the grin turning into a smile. Steve looked between them and couldn't help but smile as he cast his eyes down. "You sure you won't settle for one?" Steve asks him. 

Bucky snaps out of his thoughts and smiles "Nah, I already got two for us." he states and waves at the two girls waiting for them, "Bucky!" a girl calls out, waving back.

Steve was worried and then looked at his friend "What have you told her about me?" Steve asks him, Bucky smirks at his friend. "Only the good stuff," he states, and they walk up to the young ladies.

Millie watches from a distance, her heart clutching as she watches the girl smile up at Bucky and take his hand into hers, seeing the perky girl smile at him and hold his hand. She huffs, taking notice fountain she found herself at. takes a seat and looks at her reflection in the water.

Seeing the rough clothes, the dirt, and the bruises on her cheeks, her cap that concealed her hair aside the loose strains. all tomboy and no lady. She pushes her cap up and looks down at the water. 

-Would he notice me if I dressed like a girl?

She asks herself, but sighs then walks around the park. She spotted the recruitment center, walked up to a pedestal, and looked in the reflection.

The idea of becoming a soldier was a dream to her brother, to always fight the bully, that rubbed off on her, but like him, she would never back down from a fight, but because she was a woman, the army wouldn't take her, it was sexist and unfair. 

She wanted people to see her, but no one ever will. "Wishing to be a soldier, young lady?" a doctor asks her, she quickly steps away from the pedestal and looks at him.

He wore a brown vest, a short stubby beard, glasses, and a brown jacket, with a German accent. "Oh... no I was just..." she stumbles but blinks as she realizes he called her a lady and looks at him, "How did you know I was a girl?" she asks him. 

He smiles, "Well most men wouldn't hide away their faces and I know that some women would because they don't want to be seen." he answers, facing her, and she sighs. "Why don't you want to be seen?" he asks her, Millie looks away, momentarily.

Then she grips her cap, pulling it off, and letting her hair fall, "It's just... I want to prove to everyone that just because I'm a girl I'm capable... but because I am a girl, I'm not worth being seen and if they did see me, they won't see me. Be seen, not heard." she answers. 

Dropping her head, he smiled at her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "You're scared, and it's alright to be scared, but right now, let tonight be fun, after all, you may not get another chance like this." he tells her.

She looks at him and smiles. "Still though, I'm not any better than the men that go on those fields, risking their lives. I just want to protect my home from bullies, no matter where they're from," she tells him. He nods and walks to the back room. She turns to turn her gaze back to the mirror with the soldiers on it, one face is blank, that's where your face was supposed to go.

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