Safe With Me

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"Could you come and get me, please?" You said into the phone as you sat outside on the front lawn of your friend's boyfriend's house. Your hands shook as your eyes scanned the scenery around you. You had only driven through this neighbourhood once before. It hadn't looked too decent then, but now you had the time to really take it in. It wasn't a peaceful place at all.

"Oh... of course, babe. I thought you had a ride back?" Taylor clearly didn't pick up on your nervousness the first time. You were glad though, you just wanted to get home and relax. Your day had only been ruined from the start. First, spilling coffee on your favourite shirt that you were planning to wear today and then your car breaking down and not starting. All that just to hang out with a friend you hadn't seen in a while.

"No, she can't drive me back. Doesn't have the car right now." You told her, you heart jumping at the slamming of a door down the street.

"Okay, hun. Where are you?" She asked and you could hear the jingling of keys in the background. It calmed you to some extent.

You gave her the address although being reluctant to. You knew she would have something to say about where you were. Taylor was also very protective of you. Any sniff of danger and she would be worried out of her mind for the whole day until she could physically hold you in her arms.

When Taylor took a moment to respond, you started to panic. You thought there was a lecture coming, but not exactly. All that followed was, "she lives there?"

"Um... no. Her boyfriend does, she had me meet him." You clarified.

Now it was her turn to be nervous.

"...You went to his house,"


"Knowing where he lived?"

There was a pause before you chose to answer, "...Yes."

You heard a sigh from the other end of the line, "Y/n... you're just like a child sometimes, you don't seem to want to think."

"Yeah... I know."

"Gosh, you scare me sometimes, y/n/n."

You swallowed hard, focusing your attention on your surroundings once again. A rough looking couple passed you on the sidewalk, smelling of cigarettes. They took a second to stare at you before continuing on their walk. You felt so unsettled, but you knew it would be a good ten minutes before Taylor would reach you, maybe longer if the traffic was bad.

"Are you okay?" Your girlfriend asked you. From the echo, you knew she was on speaker.

"I'm fine,"

You weren't, but she didn't have to know. It would only make her worry obsessively about you. It was nice, until it was annoying and until it got to be worrying on your end. She would go to the ends of the earth for you and sometimes, you saw that as a negative.

"That was stupid." She spoke up again, a disappointed tone to her voice. It hurt to hear.

"I don't need a lecture."

"I wasn't going to lecture you," shocker. "I'm just making sure you know that that was a stupid move."

You sighed, having it come out in a shaky breath, "I think that registered for me already."

You both fell silent again until Taylor had finally pulled up. When you got up, the way you stretched your arm made you remember what you nearly forgot. You pressed your opposite hand to your cut wrist as soon as you got into the car, trying to look as discreet as possible. The blood that had collected on your black sweater got flattened from your palm and began to slowly soak through to your skin. You cursed mentally, but put on a brave smile.

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