Confessions of a Dancer

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The crowd is enormous as we walk in to the gathering, hand in hand. No one pays us any mind; there's too many of them here for us to be noticed. I let Taylor guide me through the people, not sure where we should be going. We got the whole layout of our night prior to this event, but I hate memorizing those things. I let Taylor take it over this time, making up cues to follow and gestures to signal when we should be doing something certain. 

"Taylor," I say to get her attention. We're in a quiet spot, more in the open now as I continue, "shouldn't you tell me where you're going so it doesn't seem like you're dragging me there?" 

She looks back at me, "it says a few more steps." 

I display a tight smile and she can tell I'm already not enjoying this.

"Don't worry," she puts on a look of sympathy, "tonight will end up being nice." 

I raise a sarcastic eyebrow in question, "uh-huh?" 

Taylor hates my sarcasm and complaining. She's never sure how to respond to it in public. 

"Yeah. It has to be." She says with her voice beginning to get short. 

May I add that today, neither of us were in a good mood. I'm not sure why she was all grumpy and depressed, but point is that we usually go to these events with the best mindset possible - and that's saying a lot due to our situation. 

"Baby, let's go talk before they bring people up on stage." Taylor works her magic on making that sentence sound natural and genuine and a part of me forgets - again - that we're only a contract. 

"Who's around?" I ask with fake curiosity. We both take a minute to scan the room full of glittery dresses and gelled up hair before she continues with her line, 

"Ms. Kloss is here. Let's go say hi, y/n/n." 

I smooth out my dress with my free hand, swallowing hard because Karlie Kloss has always intimidated me. She's at least a foot taller, even more beautiful, and has an impeccable fashion sense. She knows just how to interact with people which a skill I don't consider nearly my strongest. 

"Swift! Y/l/n!" Ms. Kloss calls out to us. I squeeze Taylor's hand tighter ironically. I guess it's my way of telling her that I'm nervous, but I won't admit it with words. She squeezes back, but I'm not sure what for. 

"Ms. Kloss, what a pleasure to see you here!" She picks up the pace, putting on a smile I only ever see her show during our performances. It's more genuine than normal, I think that's what's different about it. She admires Karlie Kloss so it's no doubt she'd be like that towards her. 

"You too! I'm excited for you two's performance tonight," she smiles wide, darting her eyes between both of us. Then, a gentle scratch on my palm signals my next move. 

"We've been anticipating yours as well..." I smirk, eyeing Taylor as I've been cued to. 

Ms. Kloss gives us a knowing look and clamps her hands together like a villain with a genius evil plan. 

"I bet." She says, "you two are in for a treat on this one tonight." 

Taylor and I look at each other again, the smirks still on our faces. 

"Oh no, I'll have to control this one. I swear she has the hots for you more than she does for me sometimes." I joke, but on the inside, it's not a joke. Ms. Kloss laughs along with it while my girlfriend rolls her eyes playfully at me. 

"Not true, baby. You're the only one for me, you know that." She's acting impeccably now that it's hard to see past it, but I suppose that's a good thing. 

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