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I look across the clearing of trees. I can't believe I ran away from school! I have never done this kind of thing before!

But school got too stressful for me to just stay! My best friend Jasmine told everyone that I was dating someone from the soccer team, when I wasn't!

And my dad was arrested because he stole some very valuable things! So now it's just me and my mom, well and my dog. And now I don't even know where I am!

I left my phone in my locker and now I regret it because I can't call my mom!

I turn around to look the way I came from, I only see a few brocken twigs that hint the way I should go.

I try to follow the brocken twigs, but the path disappears after a few hundred feet.

I am completely lost, I have no way of communication with anyone! No one will even notice that I went missing! I'll just be another missing girl!

I start to panic and I lose focus and end up running in a random direction! A few minutes later I had stoped and sat down next to a tree.

"Look what you got yourself into!" Even my own voice sounds different. The tears come, without me realizing I begin to scream as loud as I could!

What am I even doing out here? And all because of stupid reasons! What am I supposed to do? Will anyone miss me?

I hear a low rumbling sound coming from my left! I stand up, trying to see what it is. I hadn't noticed that it had gotten dark! The headlights of a car come into view.

I start running in the direction of the car. I don't care who it is but I don't want to be alone any longer! The door opens and a figure of a woman comes out.

She runs over to me! And brings me into a big hug!

"Oh Cassy! Where did you go?" I hear my mothers voice. The tears come harder. I sob into my mothers shoulder for a solid five minutes!

"Mom, I'm so sorry. I don't want to be here anymore, can we please just go home?!" She hugs my tighter, making it harder to breathe, then she lets go and takes a step back.

"Oh honey. Yes, we can! Bella really misses you!" Haha can't believe my dog would miss me!

We both get into the car, I look back to see the backseat is empty, Bella must be at home.

Mabey about an hour later we drive into the driveway of the house. All the lights are on. I see in the window, Bella's big husky head freaking out!

Mom opens the drivers door, comes around and opens my door. Her and I walk to the door of the house. As she opens it, Bella tackles me, licking my face!

"Bella, get off of her." Bella hops off and runs into the house and jumps onto the couch, flinging herself onto the floor then running into the kitchen! She comes running back in and lies down, panting from exhaustion!

"Cassy, could you take bath, you smell like animal dung. It should calm you down a bit too." I nod and go up the stairs to my room grabbing my PJ's and walking into the bathroom. Everything is so quiet here. No trees rustling, no bugs buzzing, no birds singing, and that is fine, it's peacefully quite.

The moment I finnish my thought of the forrest, I hear a huge CLANG, I hear my mother gasp! I drop everything and run down the stairs, into the kitchen to find mom looking down at a pot that had fell.

"Mom are you ok!?" She looks up surprised. She nods and looks back down at the pot, picks it up and sets it on the counter.

"I'm fine honey, go take your bath." She is always so nice! I walk back up the stairs and into the bathroom, get the things off the floor and set them on the counter by the sink.

I turn the water on and test it. Perfect... I undress and step into the tub. She wasn't wrong, it is calming! After an hour I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey sweetie, you almost done?" I look at the door, I just now smell the food she must have been cooking.

"Not yet, I'll be out a minute." I smell the food even more.

"Ok sweetie. Come down when your ready. I made spaghetti!" Man that sounds good!

I drain the water and get dressed in my striped PJ's. I put my dirty clothes into a laundry basket. I walk down the stairs.

"It smells good!" I see mom waiting at the table, the table it set with two pairs of plates, forks, and napkins.

"Thank you honey! Have a seat." I sit down and I pull my chair in.

"Dear God, thank you for this food. Please help this family stay together stronger than before." I pray to God, then I look at mom and we both take our first bite of spaghetti.

After a minute, she opens her mouth, then closes it, then finally says something.

"We need to talk about why you ran away from school?"I get a sickening feeling remembering what happened.

"Jasmine... I thought she was nice!" I start to cry again.

"Oh sweetie, it's ok, but next time you need to get away, please come home instead of the forrest?"I nod and try to stop the tears.

Bella comes and puts her head on my lap."Did Bella really miss me?"...

"Yes honey, she cares about you so much. Never forget that. Ok?" I nod again. After a few minutes of noisy eating. We finally finish.

I put my plate and fork in the sink and start to head up the stairs.

"I'll be up in a bit to say goodnight."

"Ok mom" I climb the stairs and walk into my room, turn the lamp on. I crawl into the covers and close my eyes for a moment.

I hear the footsteps come up the stairs and into my room. My mom sits on the side of my bed. Bella jumps up and settles down on my feet.

"Good night Cassy. I love you." She brings me into another hug and kisses me on the head.

"Good night mom." She leaves and closes my door. So much has happened, it's a good thing tomorrow is Saturday. I won't have to deal with school!

At least I'm home now.

I let myself dream...

Good night world...

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