Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)

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Request: Hi! I have a request for a Jason x reader. Jason and the reader are best friends and/or dating. One day, the reader needs to be rescued by the Power Rangers. The reader recognizes Jason's voice and confronts him about it. Thanks so much! 💞

Prompt/summary: Jason keeps running off from his best friend, until a chance encounter reveals a secret he wanted to keep hidden.

Word Count: 1,705

Authors note: Italics are written in a diary. Tbh I'm really feeling this format and might do more like this in the future!


Dear Diary,

The past few days have been... strange. I'm not even sure how to properly explain it, but I think Jason's hiding something from me.

He was supposed to meet me at the youth center yesterday to help me with some of my self defense moves I learned in class that day. He never showed up though.

"I'm so sorry," Jason said over the phone. It was almost midnight when he called my house, luckily my parents were out of town so it wasn't a problem.

I sighed, "It's fine Jace. We can just go over them some next week."

"I promise I won't miss it," he said, "Besides I like seeing you kick ass."

"Oh shut up," I said, he could probably hear my smile through the phone.

And over the weekend he said we could go out to lunch to celebrate being nominated for senior homecoming candidates. He was almost an hour late.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Jason said. He sat down at the table and dug into some chips and salsa.

"You're lucky I didn't get up and leave earlier Mr. Jason Lee," I said, closing the book I had open on the table.

"I know, I know, I'm the worst best friend ever."

I don't know what's going on with him. In school I'll try to stop him in the hallway but he's always in a rush to get somewhere. It's really making me worry.

I just really want my best friend back.

I closed the diary and wrapped the elastic cord around it to keep it closed before it went into my bag. The warm sun felt amazing on my face. The park was bustling today as people of Angel Grove enjoyed the clear sunny day.

I hadn't heard from Jason in a few days. His absence was really starting to make me worried. Yeah, I had other friends, but Jason and I had been best friends for years ever since we met in primary school.

The sound of laughter made me look up. I watched as Jason passed by with no more than a glance in my direction.

I grabbed my bag before trying to catch up to them, "Jason!"

He turned around with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"Hey," I tried to smile and not make things awkward, "Are we gonna meet up at the Youth Center this Friday?"

"Oh... I'm sorry (Y/n) but the gang and I already had plans."

My heart sunk as I looked at his new group of friends with a solemn expression, "Oh, alright then. Guess I'll catch you later..."

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