After the party

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(Marun's POV)
Marun,Brenda, and their dad returned home with their mom waiting for them outside the house.
Emma: Hi kids!
Marun and Brenda: Hey mom!
They went inside and they sat around the table. Emma: Are you kids hungry?
Marun: No thanks mom we ate at the party.
Emma: so how was the party?
Marun: It was... fine
Greg: Honey our son... has a crush!
Emma: aww sweetie...
Marun: Dad!
Greg: well am I wrong?
Marun looked flustered and a bit agitated but simply said.
Marun: Do you have any proof?
Brenda: he doesn't but I do. You smile when you see her you defended her when I insulted her, you even waited at home for hours just for her to show up. And since you had no one to drive you you rode on her back and I know you enjoyed it.
Greg: and I think when I picked you up that you two were about to kiss.
Marun's mom looked at him with joy.
Emma: really oh sweetie.
Marun started hyperventilating
Marun: wait did she want maybe she was just whistling or maybe she was just picturing something oh no I hope I didn't...
Brenda: Really Marun whistling why would she be whistling, were her eyes close?
Marun: yes but she could have just been trying to take a nap cause she was bored.
Brenda: Really marun taking a nap....WHERE could she have taken a nap.
Marun: outside
Brenda: come on Marun she likes you and I know you like her too just have a little faith.
Marun: yeah your right.
Emma: so Brenda how was your night how was Brandon
Brenda: Oh he left me for another girl.
Greg looked at Emma with anger
Greg: What?
Brenda: yeah turns out he had another girl
Greg: um Marun do you know where the shovel is?
Marun: The shed why?
Greg starts getting up.
Greg: I'm going to grab that shovel go to his house and shove it up his..
Brenda: Woah dad that's not necessary I'm fine really.
Greg sits down.
Greg: Ok fine but I swear if I ever see that guy anywhere in this town I'm not holding back.
Brenda: it's ok ocho kept me company.
Emma: Oh who's this ocho guy.
Brenda: Just one of Marun's friends no one special.
Emma: Ok sure.
Greg: He better be or he is going to have to deal with me.
Emma: Dad!
Greg: Fine.
Emma: How come you aren't as suspicious about Tina and Marun?
Greg: Have you seen her I swear that girl could stomp me if she wanted to.
Marun: Why would she do that?
Greg: Have you seen her she's like 10 feet tall maybe taller and she's a T. rex.
Marun: So just because she's a T.rex doesn't mean she's aggressive she's kind and understanding and a great person one of the best ones I've seen in fact.
Greg looked at Marun then Brenda in shock.
Greg: Wow sweetheart you were right he does love her.
Marun blushed and starting going to his room.
Marun: Ok good night see you tomorrow.
Greg: Marun.
He stops to look at his dad.
Marun: Yeah?
Greg: We love you.
Marun looked at them came to them and gave them a group hug.
Marun: I love you guys to.
Marun went to his room exhausted, excited and hopeful and closed his eyes waiting for whatever came next.
( Tina's POV)
Tina came back to her home after the party nervous and a bit excited.
Tina: Wow what a night haaa Marun oh sweet little Marun. Then Tina's dad came to her
Dad: So did you have a good time my little Dino?
Tina: It was good.
Dad: what about that boy did he treat you well?
Tina: Dad!
Dad: just making sure that my little girl is happy.
Tina: Marun's great he treated me well even though I was LATE.
Dad: I just wanted to make sure you knew everything before you left.
Tina: DAD he was waiting for me for three hours and his sister and his friends were at the party.
Dad: So what your saying is I don't have to eat him?
Tina: Dad we talked about this, the cops have said this, and principal brown have said this you CANNOT eat PEOPLE.
Dad: Fine I guess I'll stick to my ribs but if he hurts you he will become my lunch.
Tina: Dad. Tina said warningly.
Dad: Fine good night sweetheart
Tina: Night dad.
She goes to sleep relieved and happy as she waits for whatever comes next.

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