[𝙿.𝟽] "𝙸 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎."

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Who was..injured? I silently looked at her and stumbled across to get to her bed.

"Mom? Hello?" I whispered.

I got a chair and rolled it over, sitting in it. I trembled while my hand was traveling to her face. I landed my hand onto her soft, cold cheeks. I gritted my teeth and dangled my head down. Why?

"I knew i was good..i was good to you. Please don't leave me, mom. I love you." I mumbled in fear.

I felt a cold object on where my hand was. I looked up slowly and saw my mom, who was turning her head towards my end.

"Leave." She looked at me, with a grin.

I stared at her in shock. Why was she acting like this? What did i do?
That's when i let myself loose.

"y-..you fucker. What did i do to you? Huh? What did i fucking do? I treated you so well and all you have to say is "leave"? WHAT THE FUCK." i glared at her, getting up from my chair and moving my hand.

Mom giggled. She giggled louder and louder til' she sounded like she was gonna tear up from laughing so hard.

"Are you stupid? I never needed you. Leave. This is my hospital room."

I strengthened my hands and was ready to throw my hands at her, but stopped myself. I took a deep breathe and walked out. I ran. I ran home. It was raining. I knew nobody was gonna noticed i was crying. My heart ached. My mother never needed me? I cared and loved her. But she just never loved me?
I slowed down and started stumbling from my knees aching. I fell onto the cold, wet street and started sobbing. Sobbing to the point it was now noticeable. I clenched onto my chest and felt pointless. I just wanted love.

Next morning

I woke up in an alley. I scratched my head a little and looked around. I brought my entire to get up, but still was partly stumbling from running. I peeked out of the alley and noticed i was infront of a familiar gate.

"The school-gate? How could've i even been brought her-" then the thoughts came back. My mom, the hospital, running in the rain. It all rushed into my head again and i felt like shit again. I hurried to my house and got ready for school.

I stood at the school gate wondering if i made the right decision. Maybe i should've just stayed home? My health matters more anyways. I could be sick. Yea, let—

"Oh, hey Y/N!" I heard from behind.

"O-oh! Kou! I never knew you'd be here, haha." I smiled nervously.

"Obviously i would, it's a school day? Anyways, are you ready for the test?" He grumbled.

"Haha...yea!" I wanted to fall down a cliff and never hit the floor.

I saw Yashiro peek from behind and smirk. I wanted to punch her. Stupid fat ankles.

"Anyways...Babe can we get inside already? It smells..weird." She glared, while grinning.

My hands went numb, once again. I felt every emotion I experienced last night. I trembled. Babe? Are they, dating?

"Oh..h-haha! Congratulations, Kou." I mumbled, fidgeting on my skirt.

I couldn't handle it. I ran inside and straight to the bathroom. What did i ever do to even deserve this?

"Y/N~ are you here?" I felt a cold air brush past my neck.

"Hanako-kun? Sorry, not in the mood." I sniffled and started wiping my tears with my sleeve.

Hanako's pov

Is y/n..crying? What happened? I mean, they were acting how they usually would act. Why is the atmosphere from them..weird?

"Y/n? What happened?" I asked, a little worried.

"My mom..she..she hates me!" Y/n cried out.

I stayed silent. Why does this make me infuriated? I don't even know anything about their mother, but why? Why do i have the urge to hug them and say it's gonna be alright? I'm going insane.

"I..uhm, do you want a hug?" What the hell am i asking? Am i alright? This is insane.

Y/n looked up at me with their teary eyes. The more i looked into their eyes, the more i wanted to go meet up with y/n's mother. Suddenly, i felt y/n's arms lock around my neck and we embraced into a warm hug.

II felt like the world was getting it's colors back. I felt..happy. I hugged back and mumbled, "it's gonna be okay. I'm by your side."

A few hours later (in class)
Y/N pov

Class is really tiring. I feel like a sloppy mess, i didn't even fix up my clothes! It's all wrinkly now.

I looked up at the notes taken on the bored and was prepared to write. My hand felt empty. My pencil is gone? It was just in my hand a second ago. I can just get another one.

After class, i met up with Aoi, who was rating Akane's flirting style. I couldn't help, but laugh at his attempts.

"Aoi..will you, marry me?" Akane said, will a bold smirk.

"4 points." Aoi said, having her hand against her cheek while grinning.

"That's..that's more than last time! Oh my gosh..im improving!" Akane started jumping up and down, like a child.

"Anyways, Aoi is there anything you're gonna do after next class period?" I questioned her.

"No, not quite. I'm actually gonna be shopping. Do you wanna join? It'll be you, Yashiro, me, Kou, and Akane!" She smiled, while watering the plants infront of us.

"Oh alright! I'll be at the garden after-school, so meet me there." I smiled. I felt kinda disappointed that Yashiro was coming with us, but i was atleast with Aoi. Nothing bad could obviously go wrong unless Yashiro wants to put her reputation in the dirt.


(I put this on public instead of in my drafts, i apologies 😔)

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