Valentine's Day OVA

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Valentine's Day OVA


Yoritomo looked up from his book to see a familiar girl running towards him, holding a blue box in her arms. “Yeah, chibi?”

Akane sighed. “Again. Please. Don’t call me ‘chibi’.”

The boy grinned at this. “Force of habit.”

Akane shook her head exasperatedly, and pushed her brown locks behind her ear. “Anyways~ You remember what day it is today?”

Yoritomo rolled his eyes, and ran his right hand through his already-messy black hair. “February 14th. You’ve got to remember dates, chibi.” The girl glared at him at the last word, but took out her phone and showed him the screen.

“Mhm? It’s just Valentine’s – oh.”

There was a short awkward silence. Akane plopped down next to Yori, and leant back against the trunk of the tree they were under. It was only a little chilly, but as long as you wore a sweater or jacket, you were fine. “I brought you chocolate,” Akane said, giving the blue box to Yoritomo. “Remember when we all ate chocolate fondue together when we were in elementary school? I made that – sort of. It’s basically just a lot of different fruits and cookies dipped in chocolate.”

Yori took the box, and fingered the ribbon on it. “Yeah, thanks. But don’t you like Bobu (BOB! ‘TIS BOB! JUST WITH THE JAPANESE ROMAJI-ISH VERSION!)?”

Akane’s face reddened. “No! Besides, this is just out of politeness and friendship-ness. I gave everyone a box.”

Yoritomo laughed, and set the box aside. “Gotcha! I was just joking! don’t take everything so seriously, chibi.”

The girl relaxed a bit. She looked up towards the branches with wondering brown eyes, marvelling at how the sun shone through the leaves. “It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it?”

“Yeah…” Yoritomo’s voice was a bit muffled. Akane glanced towards her left, and saw that he had was lying against the trunk of the tree, his book open on top of his face. His arms were under his head, and the light breeze messed up his brownish-black hair even more. She smiled a bit. Though Yori acted all boring and distant, she knew he wasn’t really like that. You just had to know him better.

Akane closed her eyes and relaxed. The wind rustled through the leaves, making a nice music-like sound. She leaned against Yori’s shoulder, feeling a sense of safety. It was just like when they were little. Yoritomo had let her cry on his shoulder as he was reading, because her mother left her for work again. Little by little, she had drifted off to sleep, and when she woke up, her father was carrying her home.



“You’d better go deliver the rest of those chocolates now. Lunch break is gonna end soon.”

“I don’t want to leave. It feels so relaxing here… and I can deliver them after school.”

“We’re going to Kazu’s house right after the bell rings, don’t you remember?”

Akane’s eyes snapped open, and she sat up straight. “Oh, right! I have to deliver the chocolates to ten more people –”

“There’s only ten minutes left,” Yori said tauntingly, taking the book off of his face and setting it down on the ground.

Akane groaned inwardly. “Yes, yes…” Yoritomo gave a small smile and ruffled her hair. The girl stood up and began to run back towards the school building. “See you after school!” she called out behind her shoulder.

“Wait, I've got something for you, too! And Chibi, we have class together after lunch! Did you forget that?”

“Yes, and don’t call me chibi!” Akane said, skidding to a halt.

"Stretch out your hand." Yori said with a smile. Akane extended her hand impatiently. Yori grinned and grabbed Akane’s wrist, pulling her into him. Yoritomo pulled her close to him, their noses almost touching. Akane’s reaction was more than surprised. She instantly went bright red and dropped her boxes of chocolates. Yoritomo’s heart gave a lurch and pounded fast. He lingered for a moment before pulling her into a hug.

“Happy valentine’s day.” Yoritomo whispered, eyes closed with a smile. Akane awkwardly nodded and averted her eyes. Then she picked up the boxes of chocolates with Yori's help.

“A-ah... I got to deliver these...” Akane’s said, dazed by the suddenness of it all. Yoritomo watched Akane run off. Maybe he shouldn't have been so abrupt... But when will she notice his place for her...? At least he tried. Yoritomo still doesn't have just enough courage to confess... yet.

Yori sighed and picked up the box of chocolates she had given him. Feeling a bit hungry, he decided to open the box and eat some of it. Akane’s handwriting was on the top, and in small letters, were the words ‘to Yori-kun’. He took off the ribbon and the lid, and saw a bunch of his favorite cookies in the box surrounded by different fruits dipped in chocolate.

She actually remembered what had happened quite a couple of years ago on Valentine’s Day, when they all told each other their favorite dessert. He had chosen a cookie that had almost no sugar at all… However, if it was covered in chocolate, it tasted delicious.

Typical Akane. Though at times completely oblivious to things, she knew and remembered almost anything and everything about her friends.

Yoritomo took a chocolate-covered cookie and popped it into his mouth, then closed the box of sweets. He wasn’t usually one for sweets, but this was a special occasion, and he had to save the cookies for later.

He picked up his book again, dark brown eyes lingering on the cover of the book for just a moment. “The Rain Finds the Sky”. His eyes scanned through the book, trying to find where he had left off, and when he found it, Yoritomo realized he couldn’t focus on reading anymore.

Yori slumped back against the tree again, closing his eyes, and set the book down. With one arm through his hair, and one arm over his eyes.

"" Yoritomo muttered. "You're so useless, Yori. She will never notice like this...Stop being afraid..." He said to himself. Then Yoritomo straightened up. He laughed at himself for being so foolish. But the laughter soon faded. It was actually true. He had to stop being so afraid. He had to let Akane know.

Yoritomo stood up abruptly and puffed up his chest. With determined eyes, he ran off towards where Akane had run. His legs carried him fast.


Regi: Stars I fail at writing romance XD fair enough, seeing as I don’t like it. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! And Phile, you got to write your romance~ Though it’s only in an OVA XD

Ail: there it is again... Oh Gion, yes isn't romance so fun to write? ><

Regi: How did you come up with Gion? And yeah um… no XD sorry to rain on your parade but... no.

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