Chapter 9

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 "Harashi! Young master! Itou Harashi!"

 A boy ignored the faint shouts of his name in the distance, and laid down onto the grass, resting the book he was reading on top of his face. He put his arms under his head, and closed his eyes.

 He sighed a heavy sigh, complaining inwardly. He was tired of his lessons. He was tired of his tutors. He was tired of school. He was tired of the mansion. He was tired of everything in his life. Why wasn't there anything interesting to spice up his daily routine?

 The wind blew, rustling the lush leaves of the trees over his head. What a nice sound that he hadn't heard in a long time. Possibly because he had spent most of his days locked up in a building, studying and preparing to take on his father's line of business. Sure, being rich gave him many things, but a feeling of vanity and shallowness never leaves, no matter how many books he buried his nose in.

 What a cliche future and life he led. It was like something straight out of a fanfiction story written by two girls obsessed with anime.

 Itou Harashi took the book off of his face, and stared up at the blue sky, which was laced with fluffy white clouds. Staring, he watched as a cloud drifted lazily across the sky. Suddenly, he let out a yelp and squeezed shut his eyes. The sun had caught him in the eye as the edge of the cloud gave way.

 "Itou-san! I've finally found you! It's time,"came a familiar rushed voice between heavy pants.

 Flinging his book onto the ground, Harashi heard the footsteps coming for him. Pushing himself up from the soft grassy ground, he looked up.

 "It's no good to dress like that, sir," His guard urged. "Your father won't be pleased to see you like that..." He scanned Harashi up and down, a look of disapproval written over his face.

 Harashi knew how he must have looked. A simple white graphic t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, with pieces of grass sticking out of his hair. There was nothing wrong with his clothing, but of course, he was expected to wear a suit and tie everyday as if he was living in the 19th century.

 His guard was dressed in his usual black tuxedo. Izan was a tall, thin man, who looked and acted more like a butler than a bodyguard. How he got the job as Harashi's personal guard, the boy didn't know. Harashi let out another sigh. "Yes, Izan. Remind me, what do I have to do again?" He ignored the suited man's irritated look, instead directing his gaze to the opposite of where the mansion stood, pretending to be in thought. However, Izan knew him better than that.

 "You have a meeting, sir, with your father. We should hurry – you will be late."

 "Ah, yes. He just came back from his business trip, didn't he?" Harashi asked in a curt voice. His voice contained no tone of joy. "Let's go then – don't worry about my clothing. I'll only be seeing him for a second anyways." Harashi stood up, straightening the t-shirt. "Guess my freedom's over." He muttered as he allowed himself to follow Izan.


 "K-Kazuto? Onii?" Karina exclaimed, looking at her dad with excited eyes. During the past few days, Karina had missed her brother more than usual. However, the words sank in a little deeper and her eyes darkened. Her brother did not support the mafia. He would be annoying her if he came. He could very possibly mess up her whole competition.

 "Yup. Isn't that nice?" Tsuna responded. His eyes wrinkled at the ends, formed by many years of smiling. Karina looked away.

 "Yeah. Great." The lobby they were in was empty except for the two. The silence cried out the moment Karina finished. His dad had informed her of Kazuto's arrival in around three hours. He said that his brother had come to see how they were doing while dropping off some school work. Karina scowled, not wanting the silence to last.

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