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Yedam's POV:

Sajangnim called me so here am I, walking to the office while thinking about him again. I keep thinking about our happy memories, our bonding, his smile, his laugh, his rap, dance, his body. I remember how my small body fit in his arms. Yah Yedam-ah you said you won't think of him again. I said to myself while shaking my head right to left.

I keep thinking of him that I didn't even notice that I'm already at the office. I knocked and heard 'come in' so I come inside.

"Hello Yedam, how are you?" Sajangnim said.

"I'm okay and will always alright Sajangnim." I said to him while smiling. He just stared at me and I sense that he's observing me so I quickly look at my trembling hand and speak.

"Why did you call me Sajangnim?" I asked him while still looking at my hands. I heard him sigh heavily.

"You know that you have a new cover song right? What song are you going to cover?" He asked.

"Honesty by Pink Sweat, Sajangnim." I replied. He just hmm at me and said.

"Do you want to collaborate with one of your members or our other artist? Trainee?" He asked again. I quickly look at him with a shock face, it's my first time hearing it to him. I smiled at him brightly and said.

"Yeah, Sajangnim. From our producer (let's just pretend that it can happen. You know at YG, even if it's producer they are talented as well.)" I said while smiling nervously. He laugh at me seeing like a nervous fox.

"Of course, who do you want to collaborate with? Raesung or Noah?" He asked again.

I think carefully. If it's Rae hyung he's busy doing a lot of music so no, I'll just bother him. If it's Noa hyung, he's not that busy so he'll just the one that I'll choose.

"Noa Hyung, Sajangnim. I want to collaborate with Noa hyung." I said to him while my eyes are sparkling.
He laugh before saying

"If they're both here they'll probably fighting now and sulking because of your answer." He said and laugh again. I also laugh while imagining what he said.

"How about your member? Do you want to collaborate with one of them? How about Haruto?" He asked. My smile faded just by hearing his name. He notice my sudden change of mood so I quickly put a smile and decline him.

"Ani Sajangnim, we're awkward hehe. It will come out bad if we collaborate. Like 'gang berry' (it's a great song, Rapper Yedam is there so listen to it.)" I said. He just shook his head left to right and then said.

"Tsk tsk, gang berry is a great song though. But I can't change your mind. I will tell Noa that he'll be staying at your dorm until you finish your collaborate(just think that it can be happen.) If it's okay for your member. Alright?" He said. I smiled brightly again and hug him by surprise. I'm so happy!!

"Thank you so much Sajangnim! I'm sure they'll be okay! The more the merrier." I said while tearing up. He just pat my back and said 'you're very welcome.'
I'm coming back at our practice room, they're still practicing. I entered while smiling ear to ear. The members looks confuse and relieved at the same time. Except him, but I won't mind him anymore. I'll just enjoy our reunion later.

"Yedami-ah why are you smiling brightly? I can't see your face. Is there a good news?" Jihoon hyung said. I laugh at him because of his corny lines and nodded. Hyunsuk hyung stops the music and they sat down on my front, even him.

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