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Millions of years ago, the Ukrenium Dimension was nothing. There was nothing noteworthy about it, and while it wasn't primitive, it was behind the times compared to many other dimensions. Most people said this lack of progress was due to the fact that Time Baby barely touched this dimension, as it was easily forgotten about.

Then on one fateful century, hordes of ships poured into the dimension. Most of the inhabitants were grotesque and off-putting, but they brought with them a new era of invention, vaults filled with technology unlike they'd ever seen. They welcomed the demons into their society, and made them heads of their government.

But the peace the newcomers brought could only last so long. The demons quickly rose to power, and when some protested against this, the government refused, saying that these demons were philanthropists and they should have more respect for them. However, they would soon find out that they were correct, because as soon as the Ukrenium government defended them, they staged a coup and took it over, the most powerful demons making up the Ukrenium Council.

They brought the world the Ukreniums lived in.

They brought the world the Cipher brothers grew up in.


Bill flicked the coin up and down, grinning at his good luck. He'd managed to convince a few passing children that he was Kill Cipher, and to give him all of their money or he'd slit their throats. It wasn't the most orthodox way to get a payday, he'd admit, but it was enough to get him a drink or two.

He waltzed into his favorite bar, the Zodiac, for a pint of whiskey and a chat with the bartender. They had better drinks than what Kill stored in his cabinet, and he knew just about everyone there. Or rather, he thought with a chuckle, everyone knows me.

Bill strode in through the front door, and everyone grinned at the sight of him. "Cipher!" they cheered, raising their glasses. A million questions and hoots rang through the room, and he snickered.

He held his hands out. "Now, now, there's only so much of me to go around. Don't feel bad if you don't get a piece." He winked at several girls clustered around a table, who blushed and giggled amongst themselves.

He took his signature seat at the bar. "Just some whiskey for me, Conners." The bartender, Conners, shot him a grin and started to work.

"I knew you'd come back sooner or later, Bill. You still need to pay off your tab, but I'm guessing that's not what you're here for," he remarked with a critical eye. Conners was an older gentleman, but thanks to the success of the Zodiac, he'd done pretty well for himself. He had a whole head of chocolate brown hair, sharp gray eyes that never missed a trick, and a clean waistcoat straight from the tailor's.

Bill chuckled awkwardly. "You know me well, don't you? Next time, I'll be sure to pay off my tab in full."

Conners burst out laughing, which Bill scowled at. "Uh-huh, and next time, I'll be having tea with Alcor! I think you're losing your touch, Cipher, you're not quite the liar you used to be."

"Used to be? Ha, I could hustle everyone in this room if I felt like it."

Conners smirked and set a glass of whiskey in front of Bill. "Your modesty becomes you, Mr. Cipher."

He took a long swig. "It's one of my many traits."

A period of silence passed, and Bill noticed Conners was fumbling around with something in the back room. Being the nosy individual he was, he couldn't help but peer over there to see what he was moving. It was a huge concrete slab, and there were blue marks on it that he couldn't quite make out.

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