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"You know, if this was just an excuse to spy on girls, you could've just said so."

The three brothers were dangling their legs off of their apartment building, taking in the sights of the city. Well, at least they were trying to. It was a bit hard to daydream what with the fire, and the screaming, and the sound of plasma guns being firing.

But the sun was out, and there wasn't as much crime as there usually was, so it was a good day in Bill's opinion.

Kill scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut up, Bill. I'm just here to scout."

He narrowed his eyes, surveying the land with mock determination. "Oh, look, I think there's some grass growing over there. You might want to take a note of that."

"One push." Bill looked up, batting his eyelashes innocently at Kill's death glare. "Just one little push, and you'll end up a sack of blood and bones on the street."

"Oh wow, that's a great offer. How 'bout instead I break your binoculars?" Bill reached to smack the binoculars out of Kill's hands, but Will pulled his elbow back.

"C'mon, Bill, Kill's just trying to make our income." Will looked around conspiratorially, then grinned at Bill. "Even if he is a bit of a killjoy," he whispered. The yellow-haired thief snorted.

The eldest Cipher brother put down his binoculars and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Will, don't you have to be over at the Pools in a few minutes? You'll be pumped full of metal if you're even a second late."

Will shook his head. "No, the Pools are in a business meeting for the next few hours with the Council. The maids won't say anything if I'm a little late. They don't want to be cleaning up my guts from the carpet if they tattle."

"Fine. Bill, go do something productive."

He rose to his feet, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. I can see where I'm not wanted." He tossed his nose up in the air. "Blood is so unrefined anyhow."

Will laughed. Kill only scowled.

Bill slipped down the fire escape, and his eyes immediately flickered around the passerby for an easy target. Any one of the demons with silver spilling out of their purses would be a snap, but Bill was in the mood for something more challenging, something more rewarding.

Not just a theft. A con.

And as soon as he spotted the almost vacant parking lot, with only a couple of gleaming automobiles, he knew he was going to strike it big today.

He quickly scanned the ground, and found what he was looking for- a shining quarter buried under an old newspaper. He casually began to strut over to the parking lot, flipping the coin up and down without a care in the world. There were two cars, each of them extremely expensive, one of them being more pricey than the other. 

The jet black car was risky, but Bill had gotten through worse. There was a humanoid figure sitting in the backseat, reading a newspaper while sipping coffee, with a lanky demon chauffeur up in front. Upper class humans with this kind of status weren't unheard of, but it was still a sight to see. A little voice in his head whispered for him to turn back, but another part of him was intrigued. So he kept walking.

Bill continued to strut behind the jet black autmobile, flipping his quarter up and down, calmly going about his day. The cat in the car wasn't paying him any mind, yet it almost felt like he had an eye in the back of his head, staring him down. But that was just the nerves talking, so he carried on. 

Then, clumsy him, he flicked his quarter onto the pavement, right behind the autmobile. He dropped down to pick it up, and set his plan into motion. He'd spent five years of his life fixing up busted cars for Will's old boss, back when he'd a paying job and hadn't riled up the Pools. The best thing that Fez had ever taught him was that if you need to get the exhaust pipe out, just grab the end of it and flick your wrist has hard as you can, which will loosen it up. Fez then taught him how to pull it out afterwards, but he never used that, because it fit his plan much better if it fell out on its own.

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