Worss I Never Heard But My Daughter Will

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(This applies to all my lovely readers as well)

You are beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous. I know you want to point out flaws at this point but perfection isn't real. Flaws are a part of human nature. And your flaws, if anything, make you more beautiful because they make you more real.

But that doesn't matter because I don't give a damn about how you look and all the right people in your life won't either.

You are a wonderful and amazing person. You make the world a much brighter place. I love you. So much. To the point where it can officially be classified as insane. My whole universe revolves around you. Nothing is more important to me than you.

And I will love and support you through anything you do in your life. Anything. I mean it.

Also, if you pass high school or if you don't I will love you just the same. Your health, both physically and mentally, are infinitely more important than a stupid diploma. Do not wear yourself out over a stupid test in a stupid class that is irrelevant to your life and future. Do not feel worried or stressed or pressured or sad over your classes.

People at school are going to be mean. But their words only have the meaning that you give them. If I said to you "Você é um pato gordo" that would mean nothing to you unless you choose to give it meaning.

And when this is to hard to do I will always be your shoulder to cry. Whenever you need for however long you need. If I'm in the middle of working, let me know and I will drop everything and be there for you. I will talk to you without judgement and I will talk to you as a friend and not as a mother.

And if you don't want to talk to me then I will get you the best therapist out there because nothing is more important than your happiness.

And when life rests to heavily on your shoulders, I will be there to help lessen the load.

You will never be alone in this world because I will always be there for you.

Your pain is my pain.

I love you more than anything. More than my life. More than the world. More than the universe. More than anything.

There is nothing you can do to change that.


I love you. Always and forever.

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