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— RORI —

The grip on my arm doesn't loosen until we have made it round the corner. I relax when i realise it is Uvaldo who manhandled me, and not a total stranger intending on bringing me harm, but also curse him for making me think otherwise.

"Did you see that?" i ask him, breathlessly.

"See what?" he asks.

"Wyatt," i say, rolling my eyes.

"Obviously," he answers in a tone that suggests i am stupid for asking. "That's why i stopped you; out of fear that you might, i don't know, run after the car."

I narrow my eyes at him and scoff, unimpressed by his questioning my intelligence.

"I would not run after a moving vehicle," i insist.

"Forgive me," he says, mockingly and not at all apologetically, "but i've seen you do some pretty illogical things."

"Name one," i challenge.

His smugness intensifies.

"The time you hid behind a trash can in order to spy on our older brother," he quips.

I glare at him.

"You're the one who was driving over the speed limit to get here," i counter in a criticising tone.

"I was already in the area," he insists. "And i wasn't driving so fast."

"Ugh, whatever," i groan, his presence already irritating me. "Do you at least know where Wyatt is heading to?"

"No," he answers, thoughtfully. "Where did he appear from?"

"He was...working...in Giulia's," i explain, dubiously. "Annalise spotted him."

"Giulia's?" Uvaldo repeats, clearly just as baffled as i am. "Wyatt...was working in Giulia's?"

"The one and only," i confirm with a nod.

His eyebrows knit together in confusion, and i can tell he is thinking along the same lines as myself.

"Now, why on earth would Wyatt be working there?" he mutters to himself. "It is obvious he is posing as an employee, but why?"

"Or maybe he just wanted another job..." i offer, weakly. "You know, for fun."

"Yeah, right." he scoffs a laugh. "He must be up to something. After all, he snuck off in some strange car."

I nod in agreement.

"We'll figure it out," i assure him.

"We have to," he agrees.


As a result of his regular absences and the fact he appeared to be working in Giulia's yesterday evening, clearly unbeknownst to Xavi, who described him as M.I.A, Uvaldo insists that Wyatt must be double-crossing us.

I immediately dismissed the theory, which he suggested once we arrived home, because i convinced myself that such thoughtless treachery is not something Wyatt is capable of fulfilling. At least not when it concerns the people he calls family.

Though now i'm beginning to second guess whether my defending his honour was simply bias. I know Wyatt to be a great brother, but i know not of what kind of business man he is...

I received a text from him earlier on, stating that he arrived back in town this morning and will pick me up from school. Even though he lied about the former, and i do not appreciate the fact he did, i feel relief at the sight of his car in the half-empty parking lot.

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