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"When I work, I give it my all. I'm very passionate in acting, obsessed even. I've been told once that men avoid these kind of women. Tch," she blurted out.

"I hope you didn't believe whoever told you that. You're a fearless woman who stop at nothing when you have a goal envisioned. Only jerks won't find that trait attractive," he said while staring at the twinkling night sky.

"Society demands women to be feminine and submissive. I admire those women but, I'm just not one of them. I don't fit the criteria of a princess," she shrugged as she thought about it.

"I told you before that I thought differently about you, right? But you surprised me in a good way. You have a strong sense of responsibility and a helpful personality. You are filled with ideas and oh- your gaze that are sharp and piercing as you get lost in your multitude of plans... I think that's amazing.

Don't you think the princess' shoe didn't fit you because you're supposed to be the queen?" he said as he looked at her. "Though some might see it as intimidating, I find it worth admiring for," he sincerely answered her qualms.

Yejin was taken aback with the way he answered her inner thoughts. She stared back at him and blinked slowly as she pondered on his compliment. She is known to be cheerful and friendly to everyone, those who worked with her can attest to it. She can easily pull off conversations during interviews. She can navigate through different social groups with ease but, she only shares her personal life to the few she trusts most.

Hyunbin and Yejin became close friends since their movie premiered. They kept contact with each other, messaging one another every now and then, and share random meals together. They laugh at the silliest things and can dive into deep and meaningful conversations. The way they communicate compliments their principles so well. And in the times they have opposing ideas, she likes how gentle he shares his disagreements. She likes having smart and stimulating conversations with him.

"I'm used to hearing compliments about my exterior looks, with my acting, and with my career. There are only a few who see past through my celebrity image. It's really nice of you to say those things, Bin. Thank you for complimenting the person that is Son Eon Jin, not the Yejin everybody knows of," she smiled at him genuinely hoping to express her gratitude to the man.

He smiled bashfully without looking at her. He kept his eyes to the twinkling stars above them.

"Do you want me to continue?" he smirked and winked to tease her.

"Heh. Nevermind! You'll only start teasing me," she directed her eyes up to the sky. "Heol.. so you have been observing me the whole time, ahjussi?!" she exaggerated her question and acted creeped out to make him laugh.

"No!" He rebutted defensively. He paused for a while, "I was admiring you," he whispered more to himself but Yejin heard him loud and clear.

She gulped at the sudden change of atmosphere. She shifted her focus to the stars above hoping to distract her raging heart.

He was now staring at her gleaming eyes as she admired the twinkling stars. He adjusted his position so that ninety percent of his body was facing her. His movement made her look at him.

"And I'd like to share more of what I think about you," he pouted trying to look cute, and she chuckled at his effort.

Bin hesitated a bit about completely opening up his affection to her not because he's unsure of his feelings but because he feared he'd scare her off with how deeply he has fallen for her. He knows she trusts him, he had opened up all of who he truly is behind cameras. They have gotten to know each other very well and would even joke about them being each other's best friend.

He earned her trust, he is confident about that, however, she trust him as a friend. Asking for more is a different path he has to tread carefully because he will do everything to keep the woman beside her be part in his life for as long as he can.

He looked at her straight in the eye, gulping the tightness in his throat as he wallowed in self-doubts but as he saw her looking at him intently, he knew he can't chicken out anymore because she can see right through him. He focused on what his heart wants and the thought of her was enough to clear his apprehensions.

"Your personality is perplexing and unexplainable, yet daring and enthralling all at once. Your appearance is usually well kept but, your sensitive side is always present, for some, it's just hidden well," he paused to gauge her reaction. When he noticed her eyes widen with a crinkle on her forehead, obviously surprised by his monologue, he continued, "Yejin, behind that pretty face, is a grounded and beautiful soul. I am grateful to have the privilege to know that part of you," he said as he stared at her with genuine and wistful eyes.

She blinked multiple times trying to absorb his words. Her eyes softened and she wondered where this conversation is leading.

He noticed her confusion and decided to continue while he still had the courage.

"And... I wish to get to know more of you, Yej. That is if you'd allow me to. I wish to know all your thoughts, the good and the bad; all of your heart's desires. I like you. I liked you for a long time now, Yej. It took me a while to save up enough courage to ask you this but, I need to let it out now." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he continued, "Will you allow me to cross the line of our friendship, and start courting you?"

Hyunbin looked at her with so much sincerity that she felt like drowning from his stare. She was comfortable and happy whenever they spend time together. She would think of him when something significant happens to her. Her heart fluttered a couple of times because of him but she pushed such thoughts behind, afraid to delve into it further. There were so much thoughts going on in her head and so much emotions in her heart but, she embraced all these because she knew in her heart that this man is a good person.

She stared back at him and smiled softly. Hyunbin released the breath he didn't know he was holding as he waited and hoped for a positive reaction from her.

"You don't have to answer me right now, Yej. I hope I didn't scare you off," he said.

She smiled shyly but looked at him assuringly.

Hyunbin's hand has been resting beside Yejin even before they started this conversation. His broad shoulders looks comfortable to lean on, as if inviting her to move closer. She slowly scooted towards him without looking at the man who has been observing her.

Yejin has always been organized. She plans all her schedules and is known to be disciplined in following it. Among her plans, her heart has been one that she has heavily guarded over the years. Her experiences made her build a wall to protect herself from yet another heartache. It's not easy for her to break her walls and open her heart again, but his confession softened her walls and warmed her heart. She acknowledged his attentiveness towards her, always alert to protect her. She felt the connection, how their similarities and differences compliment each other. Her heart knew all along that she likes him a little more than a friend, but she readily pushed the idea away, forcing her brain to stop whatever lingering feelings she has.

She decided to push her worries and anxieties behind, allowing her heart to rule before she starts overthinking again. They will eventually talk about the things that would concern their career, their fans, and their future, but tonight she felt liberated and decided to live in the present. She shyly leaned her head on his shoulder, adjusting to find a comfortable position. Bin instinctively opened his arms to accommodate her, resting his left hand on her waist and his head on hers.

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