-The Truth Untold-

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Who is this person that never leaves? He also never cries. I wish he would tell me his story. 

Of course, I can hear his thoughts but while he's here, he only thinks about this place. His whole focus is on my shabby piano. It's flattering but also something I wish he wouldn't be so fond of.

And the way he feels the music I play... Or more clearly - he plays... But I let him. I let him hear the piano. I let him feel every emotion he needs... But his mind is always empty. 

If only I knew how to help him. Or, more importantly, if only he would ask for help.

This person is special but totally broken. Why else would he be here, spending his youth with me where he could choose to chase after his dreams? Or after money. Ok, he's not after money, that much is clear.

He obviously has so much to say but no ears to fill. But I'm here. And he keeps silent. 

He keeps avoiding me since I said that we were meant to meet.

And stupid me actually meant every word. 

Good one, Yoongi. Good one. You just lost a friend who technically wasn't a friend. But he was here and kept you a company even though he didn't know it. 

Maybe I should have kept hiding. 

I scared him. 

Now he will leave tomorrow and never come back.

But why, Yoongi? Why you stayed quiet for so long and couldn't hold back this time? Why did you need to let him know about your existence? Not real existence -to be specific - but that's not the point. 

The point is, you screwed up. 

If only we met differently. 

If only I was still alive.

"How long are you going to avoid me, Jungkook?" The question is asked but the recipient is silent. Just as Yoongi expected. 

Is he scared?

Would the outcome be any different if he never revealed himself?

The piano. It's what Jungkook sees. It still carries all owner's secrets as a best friend should. But now when Jungkook knew who the owner was, he sees through them. He feels all the emotions it carries. The male stares at the piano that is hugged by the yellow sunlight and the same ghost is playing them. The piano is prettier than he remembered. It looks new.  To be fair, the whole house looks new. Slightly old fashioned, but charismatic in a way. 

As he moves closer to his favorite part of the house, the ghost vanishes. Jungkook sees it as a cue to play.

Out of the habit, he runs his hands over the keys, caressing them like delicate cherry blossoms. A soft sound engulfs the room once he puts more pressure and soon his hands move by instinct, making another melancholic melody.

And while Yoongi watches Jungkook sleeping, he understands why this place is so important to the latter. His soul is finally in key, there is no wrong note or rhythm. It's just perfect.

Maybe that's why Yoongi couldn't get to him at first.

In reality, he saw the passion Jungkook had for music, but only now he sees that it's what keeps him alive. It's the only thing he trusts. The only thing he knows will stay. And the only thing that actually matters. The boy is lonely. Maybe even lonelier than Yoongi is himself.

Maybe he is too hurt to cry.

The past might be a forbidden path for Yoongi but he won't give up. He will dig deeper until he gets to the roots. Maybe that's when he will be able to move on too. 

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