In the end: Part 1

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Crashbug Xs appear in the air over the city, multiplying endlessly, each happily wielding bombs.

It was days since Yuma have defeated Shark in a duel and win Bronk's deck, whilst trying to save his own decks. The quartet was walking back home from school while Yuma was arguing with Astral once again since he announce his presence to Yuma during the duel 

"Didn't I tell you to get lost already, Astral?!" Yuma asked annoyed 

"You did, but, I do not understand what you mean by that?" Yuma's walking down the street as Astral was floating behind him, as Sakura,Bronk and Tori walking several steps behind. "How can one consciously get lost? If I go somewhere, I will know where I am?" Astral asked him

"It's a figure of speech, it means 'beat it', 'leave', 'go away'!" He replied to him

"I can't until you gather the Numbers" Astral calmly told the young boy

"There's one slight problem. We don’t know where they are or who have a Numbers cards in their possession like Shark" Sakura mention as Astral nodded his head at her. "Precisely"

Yuma whirl around, losing his patience. "What about you! What do I have to do with anything?! Why do I have to gather your dumb Numbers?!" He shouted as Sakura shake her head at his attitude toward Astral.From Bronk and Tori's perspective, it look like Yuma is shouting at the empty air.

"There goes Yuma, having another argument with himself" Bronk said 

"Maybe there really is an invisible duelist following him around, just like Sakura and her spirit partner" Tori said as she flash a smile at the older female, to which she return back. Tori always view Sakura as an older sister, whilst Sakura view her as a younger sister and both Bronk and Yuma as her younger brother since she was an only child. She then turn her gaze toward Astral and Yuma 

"Can you stop following me around like a lost puppy?!" Yuma yelled as he was getting annoyed with Astral 

Yuma's still shouting at nothing when they catch up to him. " I know you're not a dog, it's just an expression!" He told Astral who was just looking at him with a neutral expression on his face Bronk waves tentatively to try and catch Yuma's attention but Yuma doesn't see as he turns and marches away, incensed. "Ah, never mind! Forget this!"

"Or maybe not.Maybe he just fell on his head."Tori commented as Bronk and Sakura laugh

"It means I'm not gonna talk to you anymore!" They heard Yuma once again as Sakura sighted as she walk over to the troublesome boy and his newfound friend.

"Yuma. As much as you hate it. He's your guide and you're his guide. Can you please lower your voice and show him some respect, please?" She said as Yuma quickly turned around to her and replied "but Sakura. He's ......"

Sakura cut him off. "No but, sorry Yuma. You have too. I remember the first time that I discovered that I can talk to duel monster spirit and having a long 4 hours argument with a Kurioboh about having pineapple on a pizza." She said as Yuma frowned at her

Astral floats along behind Yuma, arms folded. "Observation number two. When asked to do something, humans behave erratically." At this point, Sakura have to cover her mouth as she tried to cover up her laughter. Yuma finally hit breaking point at this time. "Rrrgghh, stop using big words" They now stand outside Yuma's house, and they just heard an anguished wail from within that caught their attention. 

"It sounded like my sister!" Yuma exclaimed. They go inside to find Kari sweating and trembling before several glowing red computer screens, each one reading ERROR.

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