Well, Well, Well.

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                        — Storm and Friends S1 / ep. 46

   Sniper, Anastasia, Cookies and Tony were all seen sitting together on their old red couch that Tony had taken up most of
  and made the others all cramped up. Thankfully, all of them really didn't care as they were too busy watching the morning tv.
  "Ugh...here guys, I got the cocoa" Storm suddenly said in a strained voice before we pan over to him, seeing that he looked
  he was hurting quite a bit. His eyes were all narrowed with stiff brows and his lips were all wobbly as he'd hold five cups of hot
  cocoa of different sizes with his magic while two heating pads were wrapped around his horns and one was strapped onto his
  back over his wings. "Oh thanks Storm! We were just watching the weather channel!" Sniper said happily. Storm blinked twice
  and looked a little confused for a moment. But then he'd make the mistake of glancing over at the television to see Jim slouched
  over his desk, barley even being able to read his papers as he was so utterly exhausted with all sorts of stains all over him.
  However, what was mostly seen on him were seven baby slings that were all occupied with seven newborn puppies. Once seeing
  this, Storm instantly cringed and looked rather disturbed at the sight before quickly looking back over at his friends. "Are you
  feeling any better by the way?" Sniper added in a more concerned tone "uh-...welli'mlivingIguess. But here's your cocoa"
   he answered quickly before giving all of them their steaming, marshmallow infested cocoa. "Oh- alright then, thanks!" he smiled
  appreciatively before glancing over to the left, seeing that Anastasia was sitting there and looking all prim and proper. So
  he'd decide on not bothering her and glancing over to his right instead. However, he would instead see his glitchy friend being
  extremely squished as he'd have a sombrero made entirely of cookies with milk inside the top and Christmas lights hanging off
  it. He...didn't look like he cared whatsoever, but at least he had his cocoa. Sniper blinked twice, not finding this behavior odd at
  all, so he'd just look over at Tony since Cookies was busy watching tv. But then he would see Tony...casually pouring beer
   into his cocoa and looking like he didn't care about anything around him either. Except it was less in a sleepy way and more of
  a bitter way. So, seeing this, Sniper decided not to bother him either and to just look back over at his brother who now looked
  extremely unamused. "Sorry we don't have any spots left...but I can get out of mine if you'd l-" "no it's fine. You can stay there,
  Sniper. I'll just be on the ground. It's clean anyways, I would know." He interrupted as he would lay down beside the couch
  with his cocoa in front of him and his forelegs under him.

Sniper blinked twice, staring down at his brother with worry in
  his yellow eyes that were stained with a cyan coloration. "Are you sure, Storm...?" he asked sheepishly "yeah, yeah don't worry
  about it. I'd rather have this than being cramped in between Cookies anyway..." he'd look disgusted just thinking about that
  thought. Sniper didn't mind it though "alright then! I think he's very nice to be with!" he said happily, closing his lids together
  momentarily while Cookies was seen nonchalantly drinking from two long straws that were connected to the bottom of his
  sombrero. Now Storm looked even more unamused "yeah he sure does seem nice..." he said sarcastically "i'm as nice as 'dey
  can get." Cookies said jokingly, but Sniper would nod at it anyway. "Yeah just listen to him, Storm!!" Sniper agreed happily,
  but Storm merely blinked twice, still looking unamused. "...Whatever" he'd look back over at the tv, now seeing Jim to be
  looking very annoyed and still very, very exhausted. "I don't know about you guys...but I think that Jim looks a little sleepy
  today." Sniper announced, innocently taking a sip of his cocoa "probably 'cause'a 'doez ticks on 'im." Cookies said jokingly with a
  little smirk as Tony did the same but didn't comment on it. Sniper blinked twice and looked a little concerned for his glitchy friend;
  "they're not ticks, Cookies. They're babies!!" he corrected informatively as the sire would have his mouth filled entirely with
  cookies and blinked twice. "Naaah...'e's pretty much wright, kid" Tony suddenly piped up with his deep, gravelly voice, causing the
  two to look over at him to see that he was...still staring at the tv with an amused smile. "But why?" Sniper asked innocently as
  Tony looked over at the two casually "'cause awll babies do is sit 'dere an' do nuthin' but be freeloadahs awff 'deir parents." He
  explained jokingly while Sniper blankly stared at him. "'Dey awre pretty cute 'dough..." he'd smile a little more before taking a
  sip of his cocoa and staring back forward at the television as Sniper beamed. "Yeah they really are!! Do you have any babies
  too?!" Tony instantly froze up at this abrupt question, causing his eyes to widen and his pupil to shrink before it'd look down at the
  fox anxiously. "Hell no I don't. I've seen what 'doez lil' gremlins did t'my brotha', so I ain't goin' thru 'dat anytime soon. I'm just
  gonna keep livin' my life like i'm twen'y." He answered with a smirk at the end as Storm side-eyed the brute and Sniper blinked
  twice innocently. "Sounds pretty depressing" Cookies said casually "what? D'no kids pawrt or d'livin' life like how I wanna?"
  Tony asked, now sounding to be slightly aggravated.

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