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It had been some time since she was gone and she had quickly became the soul of the Glade people kept going on for her, tehy knew that she would've liked that. Just like time flies in the world so does the people and soon some ended up dying to griever hordes coming from the maze. A month later since her departure the Gladers came across her stuff it wasn't what exactly what they had wished for. There were notes about the immunes and they discovered a shocking revelation, and they started to wonder who she was exactly and who was the woman who sent her that. They found more questions than answers that day, something Newt and the others tried so desperately to answer. Newt thought of her everyday,  all the time and the gladers saw him slow down in his activities all times. It was to the point he blamed himself for being so weak that fateful day. More people came up and one day the so called Thomas came up. Newt couldn't deny it he felt curious about him and why Elizabeth's old persona felt attracted to him. However he soon came to know what it was that Elizabeth liked about him: charming, mature, and stubborn but a friend all the same.

Later, Teresa, another girl came up, it triggered the end, and Alby and many more ended up dying, Thomas decided to rally everyone alongside Teresa and make a daring escape from the Maze. Which they ended up doing, Gally killed Chuck and soon they came to WICKED's hideout, Ava revealed Elizabeth to be a Paige and Thomas remembered the name but to Newt and the rest who knew here it brought haunting memories. Ava ended it with a bullet to herself and the team was sent to a unknown facility, finally escaping the end or so they had thought, in truth it turned out to be a farce. Newt knew he was not immune, Elizabeth's letter said so, so he would always think about the day he would turn, it was only matter of time. He began to wonder what would Elizabeth do in these circumstances and what was that it made her keep it a secret from all them.

Escaping the Scorch was tough and Teresa's backstab was hurtful for Thomas, who by then had realized the mistake of letting Elizabeth go all those years back, but soon it wasn't about that, it was about taking down WICKED. Newt finally realized until he was close to death, why Elizabeth kept it a secret for him and until that fateful stab he kept thinking of her till his very last.

"You know, there is better places to take a nap." a voice said.

"Your safe now Newt, I got you."

I do not own the characters all of them are owned by James Dashner and Elizabeth is owned by CrimsonSparks this is what this epilogue is based on so please check her book out:

Her epilogue ties things together and sets the beginning of the first movie or book however you want to call it, but it doesn't detail what it was like without Elizabeth therefore this epilogue is short and sweet to the point relaying the information while having Elizabeth in mind. I'm not a good writer and so this epilogue might seem that it is lacking but a epilogues are supposed to be short and are supposed to vague as the story that one has read explains pretty much everything. I love the Maze Runner series though the last book is titled the Death Cure, I have to say I am a little disappointed with the ending, though I don't exactly hate the ending, in fact I think it is a great way to end the trilogy. My disappointment stems to the cure as it turned out to be useless, though we are supposed to feel happy for the runners, it turns out the world won't be coming back to normal anytime soon. 

I loved CrimsonSpark's story of Newt and Elizabeth so I highly recommend you check her out. Thanks and good-bye.

Thanks Again CrimsonSparks if you read this again, looking back at this epilogue made me reliaze it lacked some treatment, I have made some adjustments to make this epilogue more pleasant to read for both our sakes, lol.

Updated errors and spellings plus more words to make the experience more enjoyable.

April 15 2022

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