Part 29: Hallway Fight

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[A/N] So first of all, I'm going to dedicate this to @ImAliensJagiya. I hope you like this chapter and thanks for the support ♡


"Yo, so what happened?" Jimin came out of the bush beside the door as Taehyung got out of the house.

"I think I did pretty good? But I'm still not sure, we never know." He replied.

"I knew you did it, I'll treat you dinner." Jimin, the loving one, said.

"Ah, don't you think it might ruin the following events?" He asked. "Oh, no no. I just miss you." Jimin said, following with a laugh while walking with Taehyung towards a nearby restaurant.


School went great but Jungkook and I did not. I thought we have finally, totally understand each other but I think not? Why did he just caused some trouble again?

- Flashback -

"Yeah, thanks bro." I said as Jongin gave me 3 pieces of large cookies. It was the day before my birthday today. Tomorrow's my birthday but it's Saturday so no school, just the ball but Jongin can't make it to go tomorrow.

"It was the same cookies I always gave you since we're little. I hope you still like it." He said with a smile.

"And you searched for that store again? You're the best." I said as I highfived with him.

"Mind if I hug you? I hope you'll not disagree because you're a big girl now and you have a boyfriend." Jongin joked.

"Yeah, of course. Thanks." I said as I hugged him.

Before I'll pull myself out of the hug, someone did. Jungkook got Jongin's shoulders and punched him hard. Wait, what the heck is he doing?!

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Jongin stood up, preventing himself to fight back while glancing at me.

"You're going too far!" Jungkook said as he punched Jongin's stomach that made him fell again on the ground.

"Stop that Jungkook!"

"It wasn't that intimate!" Jongin said as he failed controlling himself, he punched Jungkook back.

Me, who can't move and but to just shout for them to stop. Then suddenly, I have gained some senses to move and I ran between them.

"I said stop! Can't you understand?!" I said while raging on anger hard.

"You need to lecture that boyfriend of yours. I'm warning him." Jongin, frowning his face, said while exiting the hallway.

"What the heck, Jeon Jungkook?! We've talked about this, right?!" I said.

"How can I control myself if I'm seeing you hugging another person?!" He replied back.

"He was just a friend! I never had feelings with him ever!" I shouted because I'm freaking angry right now. He just ruined my friendship with someone and caused another trouble in the hallway.

"Let's get out of here." I said as I pull his hand with force. People are around us and all staring blankly at us.

We've reached a room and continue to rage in there.

"You know I will never have feelings with him. He just asked for a hug! A very small request, Jeon Jungkook!"

"Small request? But you weren't going to have free hugs everywhere to anyone unless if you're single but you're not. You freaking have a boyfriend!" He shouted back. How can he answer to me like that?

"Don't you shout louder than me! I know I have you! But Jongin is just a friend! And I never hugged anyone besides Hana, Jongin, you, Bangtan and my family!"

"Just distance yourself." He said and left me alone in the dark classroom.

With You (너와 함께) [Jungkook Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now