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I will add a template later on but for right now you can make your own.

Welcome Welcome! I am so glad to see that some people are still interested in the Borderland Series! I made this roleplay book due to seeing the lack of them across Wattpad. I really do hope we can become friends as well as roleplay buddies!


Please be kind. Do not be rude nor judgy towards the roleplayer. Hate the oc, not the roleplayer.


Make your OC's original, I don't want to see any Mary Sues/Gary Sues on here.


Please do not tag me constantly. I do have a life outside of Wattpad, I work and go to school. If I do not respond after about 3 days then start tagging me. I usually go into a vacay state either due to depression or loads of stress.


Check out my OC after reading the rules! Anywho, you play my crush and I'll play yours. I will have a crush for each game (1,2,tftbl,pre-sequel, and 3)


Cussing as well as Smut will be allowed, BUT smut will most likely have to be taken into PMs if it's super-steamy 😳. Please do not overdue the cussing.


Ask to Tag your oc, and I will approve. There will also be a password to answer.


REMINDER/SPOILER: There are six sirens in existence. Angel is gone, So Tannis(1) is one, Lillith is dead, Maya is dead which was given to Ava (2). Amara is also a siren (3). So there are 3 more spots for the sirens. Due to one of my ocs being a siren, this leaves only 2 spots.


I must approve your oc before you start roleplaying


If you want to roleplay in PM all you have to do is ask :)


We split the characters up evenly, those who we are going to use during the roleplay/those who will be present during it.


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