Say you'll remember me.

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They had been dancing around it for weeks. Ever since the fight with Wamuu brought him within an inch of his life, the air between them had shifted, the joking flirting with Suzie dropped off, and he felt more of his time being encroached on by the large Brit. But neither of them said anything. Not when they went out to eat. Not when Caesar slipped into Joseph's bed after one too many drinks. Not when it happened again. Nor the 3rd time, or any time after that.

Whatever they had, it clearly had more than friendly feelings behind it, but labelling it meant- it meant they had to own up to those feelings. Something Suzie had told him to do many times, and the looks, or rather, glares from Lisa Lisa said the same.

But he couldn't do anything if Joseph kept running. Running just like he always did, too coward to face up to his feelings.

A large hand tapped his shoulder, but talking to the man who had been plaguing his dreams was not a task he felt up to. So instead he settled with burying his face into the warm leather of his jacket. The hug was just a little too long and a little too close, it took all his effort to hold himself together, and stop himself from spilling over. Lips grazed the top of his head, lips he wished would meet his own, though likely they never would.

Joseph was a strange man, one who took everything he could, and yet never took anything at all. He could say a million things without ever opening his mouth, and have entire conversations saying nothing. So extroverted was he that he hardly had any friends. Caesar accepted long ago that though  Joseph seemed so outwardly simple, an arrogant man who talked far more than he ought to, there was another man beneath the surface. A man Caesar only saw glimpses of, crafty and cunning, the brains behind the brawn of Joseph Joestar.

'My ship's boarding.. so I guess this is farewell, hm?' Joseph grinned, much more halfheartedly than usual.

'Well, I can't say I'm sorry to see you go, you oaf.' Their usual bickering, he knew Joseph saw through the half-baked insults.

'And I thought here that we'd bonded!'

'Whatever Idiota, anyway, here, for you to take with you.' Caesar slipped the envelope out of his coat, offering it towards the confused looking Brit.

'A letter?'

'Well yes, I assume you can read, unless you're so dumb that I have to-'

The sounds of a large ship horn cut him off.

'Well.. I suppose this is goodbye Caesarino.' A two fingered salute was cast in his direction, the letter was shoved into a back pocket, and far sweeter goodbyes turned sour on his tongue.

'Farewell Jojo.'

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