Chapter 6: Why they call me Jinx (DJayy in cover)

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*Next day 11:30pm* 

I had spent all night counting the money I'd made over and over. Last night was crazy and I just knew it was the first of many. Here it was going on one in the afternoon and my dad hadn't come home yet. I'd say I was worried which part of me was, the other part was relieved to get a break. He and I had been fighting almost every day. Jinx told me to shoot him the next time he swung on me for nothing. I couldn't see myself doing that though. Regardless of how he's acting I know he's hurting, sure that doesn't give him an excuse to take it out on his kids, but I know people take things differently. 

Emily, are you dressed yet?! I yell for her, I'd decided to take Jinx up on his offer and let his babymama watch her, so she didn't spend so much time alone he'd checked to see if she was cool with it earlier today after offering last night. This way I'd have more time to run plays and make more money. I debated on if I'd give my dad the money to pay the mortgage or just continue to save. Either way a choice has to be made.


"I need you to be on your best behavior here, I'll be back later tonight but don't worry Nesha is going to look after you while i'm gone. Text me if you need anything." I say handing her the new iphone 5 I'd just got her. She didn't want to stay, so I figured the phone would win her over a bit.

"What time will you be back?" She asked giving me her famous pouty face.

"You'll  be asleep when I get back but like I said don't worry, Nesha got you while i'm gone." I say while getting in the car before she can ask anymore questions.

"Bruh why you ain't telling me where we going?" I ask Jinx giving him the side eye. We've been riding around for 20 minutes and he still hasn't said where we going.

"Just chill out we almost there" He says with a chuckle.

"Maaan I guess, how old are you anyway?" I ask noticing I've never asked.

He takes a look at me before saying "I'm 29, what about you? I already know you a youngin."

I stale face him before saying "I'm 13."

Nodding his head while saying "I figured something like that, I thought maybe 14 but off by one. How old is your sister? He ask almost as if he forgot something.

"She's 8 ..."  I hate I had to leave her knowing she doesn't know Nesha well but I hope she remembers to trust me, we gotta survive.

"Look I know you ain't want to leave her but my baby mama ain't a bad person and she'll take care of her like she's hers." He says like he was reading my mind. I was glad he said it though, it put me at ease it helps not having to worry about her while trying to get the hang of this new life style.

"I appreciate it, I aint know babysitting services came with the job." I say jokingly 

 "Boy benefits and all come with this job" he says before laughing like he's the ceo of a real company.

 "So is that the business? Robing connects and drug organizations?" I ask realizing I've never asked the details. I just always assumed a drug dealer.

"Well yes and no, we do what we got to do when we got to do it. Like I said last night I owe that russian connect so I had to come up with something fast. I'm building my organization and the best way to do that is making the right moves at the right moment. There's a lot of people who want a spot at the top. But this game wasn't built yesterday some people already have that top spot. So you gotta be comfortable with putting yourself in uncomfortable positions to take that take it. It won't be easy, and it damn sure don't happen over night. 

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