Chapter 4: Happy Birthday Jacky

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Jack Marlow

*1 yr later*
June 3rd, 2013

    "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKY!!" Emily shouts as she jumps up and down on my bed. Making her the only one excited about this day. Her and my mom are alike in that way, they love birthdays. But days like today only remind me how things are different now and always will be.

*front doors slams shut*

    Pulling me out of my thoughts as. It must be pops, he's come home same time every day for about 9 months straight now.

"..JACKYYY! AYO JACK!" Dad shouts

"Yeah dad?" I say slightly jogging down the steps

"Y-y-you didn't think I'd forget, did you?" He says as he stammers and stutters with alcohol on his breath digging in his front pocket.

I stand waiting for him to finish as he hands me a $5 bill.

"Happy Birthday son" He says to me through a burp walking and passing out on the the sofa completing the new routine of his life.

"Thanks dad" I say more so to myself.

"Jacky I'm hungry😩" Emily gives the puppy dog eyes.

"So eat some cereal Em" I say walking back to my room stopping me mid step.

"There isn't anymore, and the milk is gone too."

Walking to the fridge to see what I can cook for us I also notice what a mess everything was. The dishes are piled up and liquor bottles everywhere you'd think we ran a bar.

*Opening the fridge* Seeing nothing but molding jelly, 2-week-old Chinese and baking soda.

"I guess I can make a store run." I say looking at my dad then going through his pockets to see if there's more to this $5. To no surprise there was nothing but $20 He hasn't worked since the passing of my mother and with his constant drinking and gambling it's now starting to affect us.

"Can I go with you pleeeassee??" Em begs while giving me her best puppy dog face.

"No I need you to stay and clean the dishes, I'll be back soon I promise." I say not even knowing what I'd be coming back with.


"No, now come on we have to be a team, plus we need something to eat the food off of." I say as we both look at the pile of dishes laughing.

"Okay we a team" she repeats through a smile lifting her fist.

"Team" I say meeting her halfway with it before throwing on my shoes heading out.

Since we only had $25 to work with, I bought what would last us a few days from the market up the road.

  "Now all I need is the caprisuns" I say reading off of my short grocery list:

-Small carton of eggs
- 2 packs of sandwich meat
-2 Bread loafs
- Box of Capri suns

  Finding the Capri suns throwing them in my basket I head to the front in a hurry to cash out with a total of $22.34 not wanting Emily to get worried I rush out. Making it out of the store only to bump into a a short built frame.

  "Damn lil homie you in a rush?" This guy with dark skin and a body full of tatts said.

  "My bad" I say sizing him over as I pick up one of the bags.

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